Monday, May 16, 2011

Psychic Mind: Why I Am Not a Christian

Why I Am Not A Christian etc. by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.

Bertrand Russell, the British Pragmatist also known for his bad breath, already used this title for his well-known (among students of Philosophy) essay, but he won’t mind if I use it again since he has been in the Spirit World for quite a long time, if the notion of “time” applies “over there”. I don’t even remember Bertie’s reasons, but I know my own. First of all, I am definitely NOT a Christian for the same reason the Biblical Jesus of Nazareth was not. I’m not sure he even knew that he was, according to the Bible, the New testament, he stars in, “the Christ”. But I do believe that the Spirit of God worked in and through him. I believe that he was an authentic, a genuine First Class vehicle for God, the Father.                                                       
Well, I don’t know about that term either, “Father”. How about “Father-Mother” God, the One and the Two Principles, or the Creative and the Receptive, that the One through the Two is the cause of all Being or Reality, like the Ancient Toaists of China believed and explained in the great work, THE I CHING or CHINESE BOOK OF CHANGES. God the Creator or Manifestor, the Ultimate some have referred to as The First Cause or Prime Mover. The ancient Indian trinitarian or triadic principles of dynamic, ever-changing process, THE CREATIVE, THE PERPETUATOR AND THE DESTROYER. He, She, It, or That is also known as the Ground of Being, or best yet as in “Star Wars”, THE FORCE! “May the Force be with you!” declared Obi Wan Kenobi! while Cary Fisher, daughter of singer, brief husband of Liz Taylor and dope addict Eddie, wore braided hair buns over her ears, stood with her slim shoulders slumped, and wrung her hands in concern and fear.

Yes, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH US INDEED! And I believe the Spirit of it always is, IF we invite and open to it, the same as Jesus apparently did and maybe still does. If the stories can be believed. Yes, or No, I am not a Christian for the same reason(s) that Jesus was not a “willing dupe for the Dark Force”. He, Jesus, was a follower of, a vehicle for God the Father. Says so in black and white right there in the Bible if you need a ground for belief such as “authority”. “Of myself I can do nothing,” he is reported to have said, “the Father doeth the work through me.” I’ve always liked that great line and the idea it carries. I or we, like the Master Jesus, are the receivers of what the Force works through us super-dynamically. We may be knowers, speaker-teachers and even healers, movers and shakers, but always as the vehicle for the Prime Mover, God the Father. Like Jesus, some of us follow the Force, or God who is the source of all. The ancient Taoists of China made a big deal of FOLLOWING, and “flowing with” the “Way” or what IS.

If it is true as the Christian Bible says, that we “live, move and have our being in Him,” then we can never go wrong, IF AND WHEN we are tuned in, or, “attuned” to the Mind of God which is Absolute and Infinite, or so we’ve been taught, ever so in the abstract, to believe. At least on Sundays. The rest of the week may be “the Devil’s domain” during which time we mostly devote our energy or Life Force, our mind and being, to “getting and spending” as the poet suggested. Actually it is not quite accurate to say “the Mind of God” since ALL IS MIND OR SPIRIT.                                                  

God is Spirit which is Mind which is Spirit. How do, how can I know that? I choose to believe it, quite apart from Biblical authority, and differing from the atheist and agnostic. Actually I contend that I know it to be fact a priori or intuitively since as an experiencer, as a knower, I “live, move and have my being in Him” or God. I am never not “of God” even if at times I have felt alienated, as the Existentialists point out. But, I contend, that feeling of separation is an illusion, and not one to be needlessly suffered. So if I or we do not take advantage of being that “particle”, that “particular” in the Greater Being, the All, the One, the mind-spirit that we are as participants in Him, whose fault is it? for God’s sake!

But, alas and alack, our Self or Spirit is encased in material here on dualistic Planet Dirt! We are temporarily embodied beings so that we may live out our dramas in experience for our personal evolution or learning. So that we may operate, pragmatically, as vehicles for the God-Force if and when we are hooked up and working right.

No, I am not a Christian for the same reason Jesus wasn’t. Like That, the Ultimate, that we are a part of, inextricably bound up in, we, like our Source, were never born and are undying but rather, always were, as a particular within the All... the Force, the One, the Source. That is the essential TRUTH of our particular or individual life, however embryonic. “Ye are gods in the making”, Edgar Cayce, the great American seer, proclaimed repeatedly while in deep psychic trance. He meant to say that we are EVOLUTIONARY BEINGS, neither fixed nor static, however much we try to limit ourselves by definitions and descriptions. All Knowledge, all Wisdom, all Truth is within since we “live, move and have our being in Him.” And yes, I take that fact to be self-evident, so why quibble about it? Yes, neither I nor Jesus called ourselves Christians even though the culture we live in is always after us to describe ourselves that way. Ol’ buddy Bertie Russell and I agree, even if for different reasons.

Let this writing be seminal. You know, analogically speaking, like the MASCULINE semen that fertilizers the FEMININE egg that causes you and me, or essential spirit-selves, to come into embodied being. And for what reason? To EVOLVE ourselves of course, which follows if Cayce’s source was right that we are “gods in the making”. And could it, might it be that God the Ultimate is an evolutionary ever-changing boundless entity also, just like those of us who are never not in and of Him? No beginning, no end, only always was and ever changing, ever evolving. Can we ever wrap our little earth brain-mind around that concept? Not likely, but, if we meditate right or well, we can move closer to and maybe become one with our IN-SIGHT, our deep Inner Knowing. And with that, perhaps, we can become content, even if we do not label ourselves as “Christian” or anything else other than human and evolving.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is

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