Monday, February 28, 2011

Educated Psychic: UFO Sighting at Cross Village


Cross Village sets at the top of the State on Lake Michigan. Unbeknownst to me, there’d been sightings in that area for many years. Being interested in all things psychic and paranormal, I was familiar with the 1947 UFO crash and the alleged alien body that was recovered.                                  

My girlfriend and I had driven up to stay the weekend at a cottage with a group of friends who were all into psychic phenomena, astrology and the occult. Before going to the cottage, we parked under some shade trees just up from the beach. It was late August.

Laughing and talking, we didn’t notice the sun had gone down. Suddenly we saw a very bright light through the trees, a huge orb glowing red. We were awestruck by an alien object hovering out over the water. “They are calling to us!” she exclaimed. Annie was psychic also. We felt drawn. Leaping out of the car, we ran to the beach.

The glowing orb hovered, not high enough to be a planet, yet not low. “Richard, channel! I think they want to speak to us.” Entering my psychic mode, I asked if someone was there. The globe pulsed like a living entity. A voice, authoritative yet kind, came in telepathically.

Working as a psychic, I repeated their message word for word for maybe twenty minutes as my girlfriend listened intensely. It was a spiritual message about global harmony and peace. Only expressive, no urgent warning or metaphysical teaching.

Then Annie asked, “Why isn’t everyone out here watching you?” Yes, why wasn’t everyone in town seeing this huge glowing orb hovering over Lake Michigan. “ONLY YOU are seeing us,” was the reply. About then the object let down streamer-like legs. Was it going to land someplace?

The cottage was nearby. “Go get the others,” I told her. By the time they came, the glowing object had vanished. “Only you are seeing us,” they had said. We’d seen them psychically? Not materially? Why, I wondered, were we chosen to view such an event, and receive a beautiful message? I felt blessed.

Weeks later, I went up alone and stood on the beach in the fall rain for a long while. Finally an unseen hand tipped my head up and my eyes saw a red dot streaking through the sky incredibly high. After several minutes, it blinked out. “Changed dimension,” my mind said. That was the last UFO I ever saw even though I’ve lived in New Mexico and Texas.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is

lower cholesterol

lower cholesterol This is incredible! No, it is CREDIBLE! Psychic Mind, The Educated Psychic, Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. recommends and uses this wonderful LIST of ways to lower cholesterol.

Educated Psychic: Psychic Diagnostics & Muscle Testing Technique

Working as a psychic consultant, I am always on the lookout for good alternative ways of doing things. Nelson Decker, a former chiropractor turned energy healer, taught me how to use Muscle Testing, a technique from Applied Kinesiology. It is, based on experience, one of many effective alternate ways to diagnose clients who suffer imbalances, especially allergies. But first I want to acquaint the reader with the excellent work and background of Nelson Decker, deceased for many years now.

Nelson toured extensively and became very popular on the circuit because not only was he a wealth of information, he was entertaining. He told stories about calling people back from the dead, people who had just died. And constructing balls of energy and using them to start a car engine even though it was not hooked up to the battery. He told stories of living with tribes of American Indians and learned to communicate with animals, and used a native technique of moving energy, the Life Force, up the spine to effect healing. He told of living in the Philippines and being selected by the father of psychic surgery, Tony Agpaoa, to travel the jungles on healing missions with his group. He also was a living example of self-healing and discussed his methods. It was Nelson who recognized my psychic talent and arranged a first psychic tour to Oklahoma City. He also predicted my future success in writing books.

It was Nelson who introduced me to Muscle Testing to discover allergies. The technique is simple. First the client is asked to lie down on a bed or table. Then s’he is instructed to raise his dominant hand and arm in vertical position. With eyes closed, a substance is placed, positive, negative or undetermined, on the solar plexus chakra. Say I put a cigarette on someone’s stomach. I’d tell her to make the arm strong and resist as I tried to force the arm back down behind her head. Substances toxic to an individual’s body causes the arm to grow weak, and it cannot resist. If, on the other hand, I were to place a multi-vitamin on the stomach, and ask the client to resist, the arm cannot be forced down. The actions sort out and prove which substances are toxic to that particular body, and which are beneficial or neutral. As a psychic, however, I employ many other therapeutic techniques in conjunction with muscle testing.

In addition to my work as a psychic consultant, often emphasizing psychic psycho-analysis as well as other problem-solving techniques and strategies, I did forms of energy healing and psychic diagnostics as well. Muscle testing for toxic substances a given body is allergic to is just one method of discovering that which is problematic. As a spiritual and psychic eclectic, I pragmatically take and use whatever works from any school of thought.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Educated Psychic: Faces of the Dead


I became fast friends with Vern Overlee, an older man, his wife Edie, and their daughter June who confided to me that she was a “Walk-In”, not the original inhabitant of the young woman’s body. After a serious car accident, their moody, difficult daughter had left, and a higher consciousness psychic spirit had walked in and took over the vacated body. I had read Ruth Montgomery’s book on the subject and there I was meeting such a person.

On one visit to Vern’s house he asked me to follow him down to a finished room in the basement to witness a psychic event. What I saw was amazing! About twenty folding chairs made a circle for his psychic sessions with members of his psychic development group. Vern turned on a red light, sat in front of me and told me what to expect and what to do. “I will show you spirit faces on my face one after another. When you see one, say ‘thank you, I see’ and the next one will come. What followed was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The process went like this: the red light turned to ultra-violet, and then went black. Immediately after, a face of silver light covered Vern’s face. There was a sea captain, a Catholic priest wearing a white collar, an old stubble-faced drunk, and on and on, about thirty faces in all, one after another. After a face in silver-white light appeared, after I said, “thank you, I see,” the room went black again, red, then ultra-violet, then black, then another face appeared. After our session, having showed maybe thirty or so faces of people residing in the Spirit World, Vern seemed radiant. “So what do you think?” he asked. “That is amazing!” I replied. “You see,” he said, “there is no death. They are only on the Other Side, in the Spirit World.” Each face had looked at me as if quite alive and ready to speak if addressed, but Vern’s form of psychic mediumship was only to show that the dead do live on, not to act as a mouthpiece for them.                            

Reverend Reed Brown, who I met later, was expert as a speaker for famous personages who had died and gone to live in the Spirit World. Reed, as he allowed me to call him, put on lengthy shows while in a full trance state. Serious Abraham Lincoln or humorous Ben Franklin might come through and give a talk. Billy Holiday, the jazz singer, spoke at length one evening. The expert and polished psychic performances seemed credible but I found it hard to believe that famous personages would give speeches and performances from the Other Side. But, anything is possible and I try to keep an open mind. As a psychic consultant, having an open mind is necessary indeed.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is

Friday, February 25, 2011

Educated Psychic: The Strange Workings of Memory

As a psychic consultant, I’ve counseled hundreds of clients who suffer problems. Memory plays a huge role. Kinds and types of memories, the quality and accuracy of them, are mixed. There are clients who cannot get beyond memories of early life trauma, events that color or control their entire lives. Others gain perspective as they reflect on memories both good and bad. Either way, memory is highly selective often triggered by associations both positive and negative. How human mind works is not always easy to understand.

In my own case, both as a professional psychic and as a private person, I notice patterns. Except for deeply negative, painful childhood memories of traumatic experiences that formed the basis of my core psychological conflicts throughout my entire life, I spontaneously tend to call up and emphasize memories of good things. I sometimes wonder why I don’t dwell on the negative. Am I just a naturally positive person? No, I don’t think that is the case, but oddly, I seem to automatically recall mostly the times of productivity and progress, of joy and happiness.

On the other hand, once in a blue moon, I am surprised when something triggers and I recall the horrible feeling of some awful down time when debilitating psychic pain seemed unbearable. Times of indecision, loneliness and confusion especially. Times when I got off-track in my life. Or was moving through a time of transition such as when I chose to follow the psychic path and left classroom teaching. Fortunately I don’t usually dwell on those painful memories, but they do add perspective to the patterns of my life. Everything wasn’t always onward and upward. At times I took a nose dive and crashed before picking myself up and continuing. Some people stay down. Fortunately I’m not one of them.

I’ve known people who make the memories of their difficult times central in their lives. Others succeed in spite of them. Still others, and perhaps in my own case, succeed because of their will to overcome challenges. There is the old true saying, “Thank God for our challenges for it is through them that we grow”. When very young, painful experience can serve to wake us up and make us aware of what is going on in our lives. How we respond or react depends on other variables such as temperament and ego-strength. Why is it that some people remain limited and thwarted because of painful experience, and others of us take root in spite of our pain and set about overcoming?
Can we learn to control which memories we allow to dominate?

Perhaps the difference is a matter of inborn temperament and a psychic predisposition to compensate in a positive manner for what we find lacking in the life. Perhaps some of us are naturally born to become aware, take hold, and find ways to overcome what might defeat another less determined, less capable person. Some choose to give themselves the excuse that they never had the chance others were born to. While some of us seem to always know that we will not end up like others we see around us, or perhaps grew up with. So what makes the difference? Is it something genetic or learned, or a combination? Is intelligence a factor? What we spontaneously remember most, I believe, defines us.

Both trauma and joy burns images and feelings onto our memory tracks. Fortunately some of us attract people and situations that stimulate right choices and lead to progress and growth. But there are those who seem to choose or allow limitation, and their lives wither on the vine. I am lucky to have been born with a progressive, hopeful nature, and not as a person who let misfortune and pain paralyze me. It is a puzzle, but I notice that I do tend to remember the good times far more than the bad. And as a psychic counselor, writer and teacher, I try to help others do the same.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is

Educated Psychic: Is Reincarnation Our Only Option?

Is Reincarnation Our Only Option?
by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.

Esotericists, metaphysical folks, psychics and others, learn and teach that reincarnation is required and that it is the only way the essential spirit that we are can evolve itself. But I have been wondering lately if that is true. We can only conjecture about such matters, but doing so lengthens our list of possibilities and potentials, if only intellectually.

Why is it that my mind questions such an established belief at all? It is not that I have become jaded or disillusioned with life as I’ve known and understand it. As a long-time student and practitioner of esoteric metaphysics and many things psychic, I, like others, assume the reality of reincarnation. Now that I have become relatively old and my time of active experience in the world is all but over, I naturally question whether after going back Home to the World of Spirit I will be required at some point to return to planet earth in human form. In other words, to continue the present pattern of reincarnation.

It is not that I have not and do not enjoy most or many aspects of human life in a physical body, but I do question whether there are evolutionary paths other than the one I am now finishing as an incarnate mind-spirit on the earth plane. I do believe, however tentatively, that there are other planes of being, some higher, and that perhaps in some other kind of physical form we may incarnate there, if we have evolved ourselves enough. And, it is possible that we have already incarnated on planes of being other than the earth. Undertaking past-life regressions and considering dream work, I have re-experienced portions of past lives, but only those lived here on earth.

I do believe that our personal evolution is the reason we incarnate, though I can’t really know for certain, and that our growth is the reason for being here on Planet Dirt at all. There may be secondary purposes as well and our lives with others may be interlocking, so we might call it a “life complex” in respect to meaning and purpose in incarnate human life. We can only conjecture psychically, of course, but such mental activity can be productive. Thoughts of potentials and possibilities broaden our thinking about such matters. In any case, what it’s all about is a dominant question that pops up in human mind and life.

Would I personally, if I had a say, prefer to reincarnate on a higher or different plane of being if given the opportunity? At this point in my life, I would say yes. During earlier cycles, given my greater attachments to both psychic and physical pleasures, I might have answered, “No way!” But, one’s perspective can change with age and experience. Years back, having counseled many disillusioned widows whose lives had been less than fulfilling as wives and mothers, many expressed a belief that they had evolved themselves spiritually to the point that they would not be required to return to the earth. I always thought to myself, you will be back because your motive is negative and born of disillusionment, sorrow and pain, not that you have learned sufficiently and grown. But, on the other hand, who am I to judge?

Since those earlier times, I’ve also wondered if there might not be an alternative to the reincarnational process. Could there be active roles to be played in the World of Spirit that also are productive and personally evolutionary? And perhaps less painful? And might we not elect or choose to not reincarnate on any physical plane at all? Perhaps what I am, what my Self is, what I have become fits me for some evolutionary work in the Spirit World. That would be my hope. Could that be? It might also be the case that we were never forced to incarnate on material earth in the first place, and that may be the true meaning of the Biblical Fall of Man.                                                 

At this point I must admit that I would like to have the choice, that I may be evolved enough so the Lords of Karma might allow me stay or return of my own volition. I am dying to know the answer to this burning question. Will I come back once again to play, love, sometimes suffer and work, or continue serious pursuits in another focus, a greater Reality where the body we wear is more subtle and less “sensible” or “sensational”?                              

Time, and our physical end of time and participation here in the world, will tell the story. Or so I would like to think and hope. None, however, have come back to tell us their story. And that also, enjoying a healthy skepticism, makes me wonder why or what the deal is, if any. Perhaps wondering about the why of things keeps us focused here in this Reality, sensate and alive. Why, why, why? and what? are the burning questions deep in my gut and heart.   

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Educated Psychic: Synchronicity Made Simple

Educated Psychic: Synchronicity Made Simple
by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.   

ORDERED RANDOMNESS is Carl Jung’s definition of synchronicity. That’s what he calls the concept in his Introduction to the I CHING, or Chinese Book of Changes, a work that is philosophically Taoist and ethically Confucian, Confucius being a younger contributor to the ancient work. Legend has it that “The Ching” was originally inscribed on turtle shells. The Wilhelm-Baynes, Intro by Jung, translation of “the I Ching”, pronounced Yee Jing, is the best by far among many lesser versions.                          

For divinatory purposes, the Ancients cast yarrow stalks when asking questions of the I CHING. Moderns usually cast coins. Whether casting yarrow stalks, or the easier, quicker method of casting coins, the fall and pattern of the sticks or coins determines, synchronistically, the outcome or reading for the querent or questioner. The fall and pattern of sticks or coins depends on ordered randomness. Then comes interpretation. Confused?

How to accomplish such an act of divination or psychic reading is beyond the scope of this writing. How to consult the I CHING takes awhile to explain, and a great deal of patience and practice.   

So too with the lay of the Tarot cards, and casting Rune Stones, and many other psychic devices that depend on synchronicity or “ordered randomness”. Somehow, some way, inner mind of the psychic counselor, in intuitive alliance with his client, and maybe Spirit, is able to influence the fall and order of coins or the arrangement of cards. How the process works specifically I cannot say. I only know that it does work, and that the I CHING and Tarot Cards, and other synchronistic devices, speak truths to clients, if the psychic is worth his salt as an interpreter and explicator. As suggested, learning takes patience and practice. And, it is not for everyone to do. Only those who possess psychic talent become masters of such intuitive  arts.                                                                 

In a more homely or familiar way I will suggest an example of how the principle of synchronicity can work in everyday life, if you are the type to notice synchronistic events. Back in the mid-80’s I was driving my well-used $200 Olds 98 on a highway in Austin, Texas. The Coca Cola song was playing on my car radio: “I want to teach the world to sing,” and so on. I was tapping my foot and slapping my steering wheel as I sang along. Coming toward me in the opposing lane was a huge red Coca Cola delivery truck with a million cases of bottled coke stacked, and as it passed, I noticed just beyond it a tall billboard advertising, you guessed it, Coca Cola. A giant picture of a bottle of icy cold coke spilled into Santa’s glass. Not Coca Cola once. Not Coca Cola twice, but Coca Cola thrice, all appearing at once, and that, dear reader, is an example of synchronicity. Ok, so some of you want to call it merely a “coincidence”. Your choice.

During that same season, I was driving over to see one of my psychic girlfriends. She and I used to do past-life regressions on each other. Unfortunately she was married to an astrologer but fortunately he wasn’t the jealous type. In any case, she was a faithful wife. On the way driving over there, in my same $200 car which was NOT a clunker, suddenly the heater-warm interior of my vehicle filled with the wonderful piney odor of hot Christmas tree. At that same moment I had a psychic impression to snap on my radio, and there was Bing Crosby singing, “I’m dreeeaming of a whiiite Christmas...” one of my very favorite songs no matter the season, if sung by Bing.                                      

I don’t know if that psychic event demonstrates synchronicity exactly, but it is in the ballpark. Clairsentience, a psychic sense of smell, was demonstrated, and an intuitive knowing that Bing was singing my song on radio urged me to tune in. Those kinds of experiences have happened to me all my life. During that period in Texas, I was already a practicing professional psychic consultant, and for about a year before domestic wells were ordered capped, a psychic oil finder as well.

Good ol’ Webster defines synchronous as simply that which occurs simultaneously. But in matters of divination, the concept of synchronicity becomes expanded. So I will go with Carl Jung’s definition, “ordered randomness”. But then I have a reputation for complicating things. 

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at, and more blogs at www.blogger.psychicmind and www.blogster.psychicexcellence  For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Educated Psychic: Are UFOs Here to Save Us?

Educated Psychic: Are UFOs Here to Save Us?

The UFO controversy has been raging since 1947. WWII had just ended. Purportedly there was a UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico, and that one or more deceased alien bodies were recovered. That has been “the talk of the town” ever since I can remember. Even as a kid I interested myself in all things occult or psychic, and had many experiences myself as a youth and ever since.                                      
Bill G. lived right around the corner from our place, and he was part of the clean-up crew when the crash happened. He’d been in the Air Force toward the end of the War and NEVER spoke of what he saw. Why? Had he been ordered, with all the others, to never speak of what he knew or witnessed? And WHY the Big Secret anyway?

Then the Air Force Blue Book came out attempting to dispel all rumors of aliens and their craft from outer space. But sightings of “something” seemingly alien continued from then until now. Just the other evening, September 2010, a group of older military men including pilots were featured on Fox News. They attested to the fact of sightings, visitations and actions of UFOs, even saying that when craft were present, nuclear weapons had been shut down! Does that have implications? It certainly does.

As an educated psychic consultant and student of the Paranormal, I would like to believe that “They” are here to save us from ourselves. But I have no way of knowing, unless as a psychic I ask my Channel if it is true. Stories about UFOs and sightings abound. I’ve had two personal experiences in the mid-70s up on the beach of Lake Michigan at Cross Village. And I for sure am a “credible witness” and have no interest in spinning fairy tales.     

Before 1947, even back in antiquity, primitive drawings, paintings and stone carvings suggest visitations from aliens in UFO craft. And it just may be, TRY THIS ON FOR SIZE, that our earth is a “seeded planet”! Even as an undergraduate Philosophy major at Michigan State, I used to conjecture that maybe we humans are only like an ant colony, some Alien kid’s school project. Or, a scientific experiment, or maybe a game They play, here on Planet Dirt.
Taking their possible point of view, we must be fun to watch considering the funny way we look and all the stupid things we humans do.

Educated fools rage on, ever warring over whether we human folk were created by God or evolved from seafood swimming around in salty slime. Where do, where did we come from? The debate continues, but nobody, and I mean NOBODY, knows for certain. So, could be, might be, that neither or both theories are true. Might be that space aliens, space brothers, space invaders... take your pick... dropped us off here some year back in time.                          

Archeologists say there is evidence at places such as Easter Egg Island, the Easter Bunny’s main residence, and elsewhere. Caves and stone edifices are always good places to look. But, who knows the Real Story for sure? And why are we so curious in the first place? Mommy, Daddy, where did I come from? And yes, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Even the best of psychics and scientists have been unable to answer that age-old question.

It is also conjectured that our “space brothers” as we like to call “Them” are not only one group. I don’t know how anybody knows that, unless psychics in altered states of consciousness has seen them. Though they do appear in dreams of even credible people. I’ve heard vaguely that there are the grays, the reds, the browns, the yellows, the... I know not what, and that some are sweet, and others will come here and eat us under the light of some Harvest Moon.                                           

In fact, I’ve had my own dreams of both kinds, those who come in peace, and those who come to eat. I’ve even dreamed that I am one of them. And that when it is time, my benevolent brothers will return in the cigar-shaped craft I witnessed to take me back home with them as they promised in my dream. The idea excites me, I must admit. But what does it all mean?                                           

In another dream, one alien pilot, masquerading as a human Handsome Jack, showed me how they can CHANGE DIMENSION and pass right through material buildings here on earth. And they showed me how those little round jets work that line the v-shaped wings of certain types of craft. I assume my psychic abilities enable them to come to me in dream states. And I am not the only human by a long shot who dreams of them.

If they are not all of one grouping, might there at some point be a war among them to see who lays claim to our planet? Or maybe that drama has already been played out and we don’t know it. In any case, now that we have moved into Stage One of WWIII, it is my sincere hope that the aliens, our space brothers, are scoping things out with a psychic eye to dismantling nuclear weapons before we short-sighted humans use them to destroy ourselves.                          

Maybe They are waiting for just the right moment to intervene, IF it becomes necessary. They appear to be monitoring. Another possibility is that if our planet receives big enough nuclear shocks, the planet may be rocked and begin to wobble, and maybe that would throw other planets out of whack as a result, and Space Folk can’t let that happen. So maybe their prospective intervention is self-interested, not only benevolent. Just an alien thought.

Maybe They will land sometime and talk telepathically with certain Heads of State in this country or that. I would like to be present, if only in an out-of-the-body state. So I could eavesdrop.

Why many of us are predisposed to believe and feel warmly toward Them, even welcome Their coming, and why gangs of Freud’s anal retentive Nay-sayers refuse to acknowledge their existence is puzzling. I think the idea of the oneness of the human race may be overblown. We like to say that “we humans are similar but different, but far more similar than different”, but some days when I am in a certain mood, I fear the opposite is true. I do believe that even now aliens walk among us, and I don’t mean the Mexicans, and that I am one of them. My code name is Zorro!

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at, and more blogs at www.blogger.psychicmind and www.blogster.psychicexcellence  For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is

Monday, February 21, 2011

Educated Psychic: First Vision

The bug-eyed yoga teacher and I became adversaries on first sight. My old friend, Billy, our family doctor’s son, watched the scene unfold. The perfunctory handshake was cold and tense. Being psychic, I read that my education intimidated him, and his small group’s obvious interest in me stole his spotlight. He didn’t like it. Given that, I knew the Yoga teacher was not the one who would teach me to meditate. So I decided to go it alone and simply experiment on my own.

Not knowing I was headed toward becoming a professional psychic counselor, never to return to teaching college English, I was between careers, nearly broke and alone as I sat on the edge of my bed in a rented room. It was a cold and snowy winter in the mid-70s. Just across the street was the campus of Michigan State where December 1959 I’d taken my B.A. in Philosophy.                                                           

I closed my eyes the way I saw meditators do, and tried to erase all thoughts from my mind which was no easy task. Then time stopped and something seemed to take over. I felt an inner clarity that soothed my nerves. My tie to the physical world had been cut. Fears took their leave. Not knowing how, I had “slipped into” some psychic state or condition apparently characteristic of meditation. I’d had no physical guide or teacher.

I had no idea how long I’d been sitting there in some sort of psychic state. Then suddenly a scene broke open in my mind. It was real. I saw a blue Plymouth station wagon parked down the street only two blocks from my shabby $12 a week room. Snow was on the roof, and there were other cars on either side.                                       

Coming up from my first experiment in meditation, I put on boots, coat and my furry brown Russian cap and went downstairs to investigate. Sure enough, there it was, that blue station wagon, just as I saw it in my mind. That was my first clairvoyant vision as a budding psychic consultant and spiritual healer. In less than a year I was being paid by clients for my psychic counseling work. Lives such as mine are not all of a piece.

At Billy’s next Yoga meeting, I sensed the Meditation teacher’s irritation that I showed up again. When I told my story to the fascinated group, I watched his face grow red. I thought, the man is egoically competitive and jealous, the exact opposite of what a “spiritual” person should be. Being new to things psychic and spiritual, and being naively idealistic, I would have willingly subordinated myself to him as teacher in the interest of learning how to meditate, but his negative attitude prevented that from happening.                                                       

In any case, Spirit guides us. “When the student is ready, the teacher comes.” Readiness is everything. Never do we have to force issues. Spiritual Guidance is spontaneous. The next teacher I attracted was Brian at the Aquarian Age Bookshop a few doorstops away from my upstairs room above the Smoke Shop. He introduced me to Spiritual Hierarchy, and gave me a book to read. He said the book had been waiting for the right student to claim it. A string of other teachers followed in my movement toward becoming what my Inner Destiny Plan had in mind for me, to become a full-fledged psychic consultant and counselor.                                                  

I was poor in pocket at the time, but exceedingly rich in Mind and Spirit .

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at, and more blogs at www.blogger.psychicmind and www.blogster.psychicexcellence  For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Educated Psychic: Bird Omens II

During my difficult but exciting transition from teaching college English to becoming a touring psychic consultant, media personality and freelance speaker, psychic events happened to me right and left. It was an amazing period. My life had become exciting in a new way. But not everything was pleasant, and I had lessons to learn. A lot of them.

Driving my old arm-breaker Chevy pickup one Sunday evening back in maybe ’76, I felt a profound sadness come over me, but I thought it was only because of driving alone at dusk. I remembered the writing I used to teach freshmen called “Kitchen”, about how Alfred Kazin’s mother at that time of day always suffered “weltschmerz”, a kind of sad longing in Yiddish. It was that sort of Sunday evening as I was driving. A kind of world sadness pervaded the air.

Wishing I was already home, suddenly a bird smacked loudly against my passenger side windshield. The sound of impact told me it had been a large bird of some kind. I never actually saw it, and the surprise jolted me. My immediate thought was, SOMEBODY IS GOING TO DIE, but as my mind raced, I knew it wasn’t me. A warning, a psychic omen, had happened, but I didn’t know what to make of it. But I was certain that someone I knew would die.

In those days I always phoned my mother every Saturday evening. Collect of course. Unlike my disapproving father, she believed my psychic experiences and the stories I told her. As she answered, her voice was different. “I have to tell you something, and I hate to do it,” she began. Uh oh, what now, I wondered. “I have to tell you your friend Mrs. Nass died. She had a massive heart attack last Monday morning, during first hour at school.”                                                       

Mrs. Nass had been my English teacher, and more. A lot more. I’d had a difficult emotional time of it during high school, family problems and all. She was like my second mother, best friend and counselor all wrapped up in one. I’ve often said, whatever I accomplished in my life, it was because of her. She was a wonderful woman who really cared about us kids, the many students who passed under her on the way to maturity. She was a true teacher and then some.

Hearing about the death of my beloved Mrs. Nass, the person who helped get me through some difficult years, I immediately remembered that just the night before her morning death, that large bird, one I never actually saw, had smacked into my windshield. It had been an omen I was sure. I’d known birds to be psychic, spirit possessed, and sometimes harbingers of an upcoming death. It had been Sunday dusk before the Monday morning death of someone I loved.

I didn’t explain everything to my mother in that conversation, but on a later visit I told her my story. We both cried. My tears were for the woman who made all the difference in my life, and my mother empathized with me and my loss of a dear one. After that, my mother went on tell me about some of my Hungarian grandparents’ beliefs about the activities of birds, and their psychic significance, and what their presence or absence predicted about the crops or weather conditions. Nature gives signs of things to come, especially using birds as omens. Of that I am certain.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at, and more blogs at www.blogger.psychicmind and www.blogster.psychicexcellence  For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Educated Psychic: Bird Omens I

I loved my aunt Doris, Uncle Charlie’s wife. I was maybe ten and followed her around like a puppy dog, and she let me. She was kind. I was a happy boy when I found out that she and Uncle Charlie were going to have a baby. I couldn’t wait to hold my new little cousin in my lap. My aunt Doris was beautiful! I always thought she looked like Susan Hayward in the movies.

Summer of ’47 came round and Aunt Doris had a huge belly. She wore a lift on one shoe and walked with a limp because of polio when young. That was before the Salk vaccine. Uncle Charlie built a garage house on the acre next to our place on the edge of Grandpa’s farm. Later they planned to build the big house up front. But poor lame beautiful Aunt Doris never lived to see it. My father and I, both psychic, sensed a storm brewing, that something bad was about to happen, but we didn’t know what at the time.

Three nights running that summer, the owls came hooting down on the roof of their small cottage and refused to leave. Uncle Charlie shot his .16 gauge in the air, but
they still clung and hooted. Hoo, hoo, hoo. That eerie sound chilled me to the bone. A psychic foreboding and dread haunted me. Soon after, Death came and took her.

An ambulance pulled up, sirens screaming in the sweet country air, and I saw Aunt Doris carried out on a stretcher looking like a huge mound under the white cover. Later that day she died. A brewing storm lit up the sky. The air was a sick yellow pink, thick and electric. Something terrible must be happening. I was right. Even as a kid I was very psychic and attuned to bad vibrations.

Thunder roared and lightening flashed the day my lovely Aunt Doris died. Her and the baby inside her tummy, a child severely deformed and retarded as it turned out. Nothing in poor Aunt Doris’ life had ever gone right, and my poor uncle Charlie was devastated. I watched him sob and cry over her still body laying in the casket clad in her pure white wedding dress, the baby inside her, to be buried together, mother and afflicted daughter.

Doris’ mother, a Scottish woman from Nova Scotia, when told about the owls just shook her head. “Had I ‘av known ‘bout the owls comin’ three nights in a row like that, I’d’ve known my Doris would die. An old Scottish legend, and true. When the owls coome an’ make their visit three in a row, someone in that house will surely die. My poor sweet daughter, a fine girl she was. No malice in her heart, she was pure as spring water.”

Forever after when I’d hear owls hooting off in the tree-line not far from my bedroom window, I’d shiver and quake. Fear and dread would flood my body, and I couldn’t sleep. Owls as omens played ever after in my mind. And not only owls. Other birds as well. Birds, harbingers of death, apparently are spirit possessed or somehow psychic, at least when it comes to things tragic.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.  Please see my website that includes books, blogs and services at and more blogs at  For information my e-mail address is

Friday, February 18, 2011

Educated Psychic: Raising the Kundalini, A Dangerous Experiment


Spirit works in strange ways. I thought I was only applying for a sales job to keep body and soul together while continuing development as a psychic and healing channel. Turned out, Vern Overlee, the owner, was a psychic spiritualist medium. I confessed to what I was into and that enabled him to open up. We became fast friends immediately. 

I told him about my aborted psychic experiment attempting to produce clairvoyant visions and how it had messed up my nervous system. In my spiritual zeal and using a technique I’d only read about, I set about raising my kundalini one evening. In deep meditation, one by one the chakras opened, from root chakra at the base of the spine up to number seven, the crown chakra. If that opened, I’d experience visions as I had before. But, when I got to that point, because of over-concentration, pressure became intense and I felt as if my body was shaking part. I knew I’d hurt myself, and perhaps seriously. Patience had never been one of my virtues.

“I can help you,” Vern assured me. “But my guides say it will take some time.” I’d about “blown my chakras” during that psychic exercise. “You’ve messed up your nervous system pretty bad. It will take time for the sheathing of your nerves to grow back.” He told me I could not do any psychic work for up to two months. My body was in such bad shape I even passed up a chance to sleep with the lovely Dolores, a woman in our group who possessed huge attributes. That’s how bad off I was. I’d been addicted to my beautiful spontaneous visions, the most moving being the perfect face of Divine Mother. I wanted them back. The advanced yogis of ancient India warn that “psychic phenomena” is but a stage one passes through during psychic development. They were not ends in themselves.

I became fast friends with Vern, his wife Edie, and their daughter who confided to me that she was a “Walk-In”, not the original inhabitant of the girl’s body. It took a good two months for my nervous system to normalize, and then I got back to my meditations and psychic development and new work as a psychic consultant.

I learned to take more care after that frightening experience. Forcing things almost never works, as ancient Taoism teaches, and forging ahead in areas one is unfamiliar with can be dangerous to one’s mental and physical health. I had almost gone too far with the experiment. Had I forced the 7th, the crown chakra, open, my brain may have exploded. One must be ready for such things. Readiness is everything. Let this stand as a warning.

For more information and blogs, see Richard's website,
and www.blogter.psychic excellence   For information about psychic readings, e-mail address is

Educated Psychic: Spirit Saved My Life

It was a dark and stormy night... I scrambled down the rocks to the rain-swept beach where my date babbled to her  ocean goddess. The night we nearly drowned together, she introduced me to Black Russians and I taught her how to dance Mexican Mambo. Dark and late, I didn’t have to be psychic to know it was dangerous to be down there like that.

Putting my arms around her girth, I told her we’d better go up top. No sooner I got the words out when a wall of water skyscraper high came whooshing in. Next thing I knew, still embracing, we were bobbing up and down in the ocean about a third of a football field out! I pushed her away, and the second I did, I was sucked under. That was ten years before my days of psychic development and later a career as a psychic consultant.

Not feeling fear, oddly, I felt comfortably cocooned, as if cradled in a blood-warm womb. And, stranger yet, I did not need to breathe! I was not alone. The presence told me psychically somehow that I was to wait in no-time and not struggle. My mind said, I COULD DIE NOW BUT I’M GOING TO TRY NOT TO. It was my choice. Then, cork-like, I shot up out of the water with great force. Had I died underwater, death would have been comfortable and easy.

Not a strong swimmer, I swam furiously for the black, wet, slimy rock I saw jutting out. I clawed my way up. Only then did I think of the fat girl. An odd mantra played in mind: THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE.

Sequence replaced normal time. One minute she was a black bump face down far away, the next she’d washed up against the rock I was standing on. I ripped her out easy as plucking a carrot. I was supernaturally stronger. I stood her on the rock, but she kept protesting that I ought not to have pulled her out. She was in shock. I may have been also, but I was on a one-track mission to save her, AFTER getting myself out first. Maybe that is the meaning of taking care of oneself first so you can better help others. All events, like an objective drama, had been under spiritual guidance.

On impulse, I picked the hefty girl up and she felt like a feather as I Tarzaned her up top to safety. Back at her place, after a scalding shower, we drank hot buttered rum. “You know,” she said, “you are responsible for the life you save”. I drove home and never called her again. Spirit, some silent psychic voice, saved me and I’d never experienced such mental clarity. 

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.  Professional Psychic since 1975
For more blogs, see Website:
and PsychicExcellence,
For information psychic readings, e-mail: psychicmind.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Educated Psychic: Telekinesis and the Booklet from No One

After graduating high school, I spent a unique two years in the U.S. Army. Only two of us had not been to college. Always reading books, talking ideas, questioning and searching, and writing poems daily, the older educated boys took an interest in me. A goofy kid named Waldo dubbed me “the Professor”. He must’ve been psychic because that is what I became. Pre-Med was my intent. The idea of psychic consulting came two degrees and one profession later. Lt. Spears, a sharp black man, was our Battery Commander. He and I hit it off, at first. But things changed. Because of many issues and problems at the time, I ended up leading three strikes: sit down, hunger and silence. The latter broke him. Our war was in full swing when major psychic events began to happen.

First a booklet addressed to my name came to me from no one. It was all about self-hypnosis, self-programming and  telekinesis. All manner of psychic things I’d never heard of. I was thrilled, but who sent it? A Guide in the Spirit World who had his astral eye on me? One who knew I was destined to do psychic consulting work as I grew?

As a switchboard operator, I worked the swing shift. Deep in the night I was plagued with leg pain. Using that strange unsent-for book, I learned to induce a deep state of somnambulism. I was a natural. Giving myself positive suggestions, I healed myself psychically. Success excited me. At odds with our Commander, he assured me he would catch me sleeping and that I would be court-martialed. I programmed myself so that when he hit the door, I’d jump awake and report sharply. He never caught me.

Then came the Grand Experiment. Lying on the concrete floor during the dead of night, I induced that deep state. Noticing a metal wire hanging straight down from the ceiling and remembering the book’s discussion of telekinesis, a psychic phenomena that teased my imagination, I suggested that the wire would swing up and come back down three times. It did it! Or, so I perceived. Did it happen or was it an illusion? Being new to psychic phenomena of that sort, the event frightened me so I discontinued experimenting. I told no one lest they think I went bonkers. Had it only been a trick of perception? Or did it, telekinetically, happen?

*Years later when touring as a psychic consultant, I tried a telekinetic experiment one night. The guest room had no electric so I kept a candle burning at a distance. Using mental power, I commanded the candle flame to die. The flame would die down to nothing each time, but never would extinguish.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Educated Psychic: How a Genuine Full-Trance Medium Works

Edgar Cayce, American Seer and Healer, is always noted as America’s #1 full-trance psychic medium. He died from overwork just before the end of WWII. He never made much money, and was always in demand. I wish he’d understood that “a servant is worthy of his hire”. Certainly good-hearted people give to select others who cannot afford our service. How many times as a psychic consultant I’ve done work for people gratis.

There is a way to look at giving to needy others whether psychic work, healing, things, food or money. First, obviously, we cannot save the world. So how do we know which others to give to? I figure that Spirit will “guide, lead and direct” me to those I am supposed to lend a helpful hand. I recognize the ones Spirit places in my path. Similarly, there are times when I am ungrateful or feeling sorry for myself. When that happens occasionally, Spirit shows me a miserably crippled beggar or some other human suffering. I then realize how blessed I am and say, Thank you, God, for blessings received, for I am blessed indeed”.

Cayce, a traditional Christian, apparently worried about accepting money for his psychic, spiritual work. So he overworked and died early. As much as fake or self-deluded psychics like to brag that psychic consulting does not deplete their energy, the fact is, when a psychic is genuine, working in altered states of consciousness DOES deplete one’ energy. The same as sex does. I found from experience that if had sex shortly before a doing a psychic consultation, my energy was not nearly as high. It takes time for psychic energy, the Life Force, to rebuild. After a long day of psychic counseling, my energy body is depleted. It is then time for food, a couple of beers and sleep to re-energize.

Edgar Cayce, like other true full-trance mediums, Jane Roberts and her speaker, Seth, for example, have entities from the Spirit world who speak through them using the physical equipment of the medium while the medium appears to “sleep”. Such a medium requires a transcriber because s’he does NOT remember anything said through his or her vehicle. The client may be present and dialogue with the psychic’s speaker, or a typed transcript may be mailed to the subject. Edgar Cayce did his psychic work for both types. In my case, fortunately, I enjoy DUAL CONSCIOUSNESS and participate in the psychic process.

Even today, all these years later, anyone may read the complete transcripts of Edgar Cayce’s readings and find help. The A.R.E., his Foundation, remains open and active at Virginia Beach where at one time Edgar Cayce instituted a hospital for Alternative Care. His Son, Hugh Lynn, kept his father’s name and work alive until his own death.
But the valued information Edgar Cayce brought through remains available and useful.
Information Regarding Psychic Readings by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.                   
Professional Psychic since 1975                          For more Blogs, Books ad Psychic Services,
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Educated Psychic: A Visit with a One-of-a-Kind Psychic Medium

When my dead sister came through to give me a message from the Spirit World, I was nonplussed to say the least! When Grandpa, that loving Christian man, spoke to me in the very voice he had on earth, I was thrilled. “How’s yer Maw?” he asked. Such love in Grandpa’s voice! When my dad, who I was alienated from all my adult life, came through, I didn’t know what the hell to say to him. “Well speak to the man!” the medium’s control demanded. He was angry at my rudeness. I choked out, “Hi, Dad,” but my heart wasn’t in it. He hated the idea that I’d left college teaching to become a psychic consultant.

When my friend Clara, owner of the House of Nutrition, asked me to drive her to see Reverend DeRay, a very advanced old Spiritualist full-trance medium, I didn’t know what to expect. Clara packaged candy and nuts for the Spirits. She said they loved the treats. “Spirits can’t eat,” I informed her. “You’ll see,” she told me. The Spirits came, American Indians, and they very happy to see their friend, ol’ Clara.                                    

Clara eyes looked huge and black behind thick glasses, and because of serious surgery, her tongue flicked in and out snake-like. But, the epitome of kindness and generosity, she was anything but venomous. Many times I watched her bag up remedies and supplements to send to a dying AIDS victim. Clara had heart. And to hear her tell it, obliquely, she used to like the men also. I was her friend and psychic.

Early in our session, totally dark, I heard the Spirits rummage through the goodies Clara brought. When the lights came on later, the containers lay empty! Floating “trumpets” (aluminum cones) had floated through the air nudging us. Yes, I know, you cannot believe this, but I was there, and you were not. I detest guys like the Amazing Randy, one of many debunkers who are more bonkers than debunkers, guys operating and posing under the guise of Rational Empiricism who as repressed anal types, like to say NOOOOOO to everything they refuse to understand. Then voices spoke through those metal cones.
Of course one ought not to be gullible either. Healthy skepticism is the stance I embrace.

Ol’ Clara had her turn speaking with her people in the Spirit World. The only people in the house other than us and the medium was Rev DeRay’s retarded aged daughter who stayed at the kitchen table blank-eyed and chewing her toothless lips. How could Spirits enjoy material candy and nuts? The notion of dematerialization and re-materialization at another “edible” vibrational rate is one explanation. How a medium such as Reverend DeRay works, I will explain in another writing about types of psychics.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Educated Psychic: Odd Psychic Talents

After Spirit taught me how to find oil, and after the crash of the mid-80’s and domestic oil wells were ordered capped, a similar opportunity came my way. In 1992, I went to the Philippines on a Trade Mission as a psychic gold finder and business consultant representing a new Phil-Am gold refining company.

Oil was easy to locate, once I got the psychic hang of it, and finding gold is about the same. I’m talking about free gold that occurs in the earth naturally, not “Japanese buried treasure”. Locating gold in the PI is not difficult since it is everywhere. Getting it out and refining it, however, is another matter.

I started out down in Cagayan de Oro where the “mine site” was. There were more than a hundred shafts dug straight down and bags of “tailings” ringed each hole waiting for us to bring in special expensive equipment to extract the gold. First, I suppose as a test, the Filipinos led me to one particular mine, and asked me to see what psychic impressions “I got”. I “went in” and immediately saw that the bodies of two men were still down there. My psychic impressions removed any doubt about my abilities. Two naive men had gone down that shaft thinking that chunks of pure gold occurred loose in the dirt. A landslide buried and killed them both, their reward for ignorance and greed.

Recently I became curious about a woman writer on the internet. Wondering where she lived in the States, I used a psychic technique Spirit showed me involving the map of the USA. I discovered that she likely lived in Arkansas. I Googled her name and sure enough, my psychic channel was correct. I like to test my talent which beats saying “I can’t do that”. If I fail, at least I’ve tried, and often succeed. Napoleon Hill’s great classic, THINK AND GROW RICH, discusses all the Principles one needs to know. It is ALL there!

Human mind is endlessly creative. Why? Because human mind is a particular within universal All-Mind. All-Mind is absolute and fortunately our lesser human minds may participate, IF we so elect. But, one must be open, receptive and ready. Back in 1974-5 I had become open, receptive and ready, and I was “called” by Spirit to do “The Work” as some metaphysical people choose to call the work of a psychic consultant and spiritual healer.               

One does not simply decide and suddenly become psychic. In
my case, I saw a past life lived many centuries ago that may account for this-life psychic ability. As a lowly scribe to a “Prelate”, I developed an ability to link telepathically to other minds, and the ability to transcribe the thoughts and words of other speakers. Such a psychic is called a “clairaudient” that involves inner hearing. Past life carryover is, I believe, a reality and may account for certain of our abilities.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Educated Psychic: Strange Kinds of Psychic Abilities

All psychics are not the same. And all are not genuine. Also, abilities and types of abilities vary. A talented psychic consultant who enjoys a creative bent can use his psychic talents and abilities in ways that most people might not imagine. Even a psychic may not realize what talents lie dormant within his deeper consciousness.

About ten years into my profession, having left teaching college, I had my sixth psychic call-in radio show in Austin, Texas. After one Sunday show, I got a call from a man in the oil business. He hired me to work as an Oil Finder for his company. He owned four million dollars at the time and longed to be the discoverer of a major oil field in America. That was before the mid-80s crash when domestic wells were ordered capped.

At first I didn’t know how I would do it, but the man assured me I’d find the way. In short order, Spirit, as I call Those who work through me as a psychic, impressed me with useful techniques, and they proved successful. Overnight I had become a proved-out accurate psychic oil finder.                                                      

NEVER SAY “I CAN’T”. Maybe YOU can’t but through you, Spirit CAN! IF there has been certain preparation. And IF you are OPEN. That same week I got picked up by another oil guy in Oklahoma City where I was a guest doing psychic readings on radio. He put me on retainer for six months, and my work for him proved accurate. The great and absolute Law of Attraction brings good things to us if and when we are ready. READINESS is everything!

When I first started out as a professional psychic consultant, Spirit showed me several ways to do psychic diagnostics as an adjunct to my work as a spiritual healer.
I also learned in a similar manner to “sometimes” diagnose automobile problems. How I, we, do these things I will not reveal. No matter since certain odd abilities are usually idiosyncratic or unique to the user-psychic anyway.

To give an example, a woman client explained that she had serious problems breathing and no one to date found the cause. Using a technique Spirit showed me, I found that she suffered a faulty pulmonary valve that connects to the heart. I referred her to my old family doc, a D.O., and he confirmed my psychic diagnosis. There was an odd twist, though. The woman’s husband would not allow her to have necessary surgery. Did he wish her dead? I never knew the end of the story.

Human abilities, especially when allied with Spirit, are never limited. Only our beliefs limit us. Richard Bach wrote, “Argue for your limitations and they are yours!”

Educated Psychic: A Higher Class of Client

Even though I’ve been a practicing psychic consultant since 1975, I still have not heard it all. Clients still surprise me with unusual questions and concerns. Issues concerning Love, Money & Health still top the list of categories and probably always will as long as humans stay human and I don’t see much hope for any of us to make a leap and evolve beyond that any time soon. But there are clients who take thinking about their lives very seriously, and they ask questions that relate to personal Meaning, Purpose and Value in everyday life.

Viktor Frankl wrote his classic book, MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING. He was already a mature educated man, an M.D. psychiatrist, when the Nazis locked him up in Achwitz, or one of their endless concentration camps for Jews. How or why did Frankl survive when thousands did not? He said because he gave his life MEANING by taking care of others. That was his immediate overriding Purpose: to help others live! He lived in the Present, in the Eternal Now, the only time there is. Taking care of others gave Frankl’s life Value. It was his Mission. And it caused him, he claimed, to survive when so many others did not. Could it also be that Spirit preserved him so he could go on to do his great work?

Psychic consulting is also about taking care of others, albeit for a fee, and it gives Meaning to any authentic psychic counselor’s life. The more learning, the more life experience a psychic brings to the process, the more he is able to be of help and service. A psychic channel s NOT an empty pipe through which Members of Spiritual Hierarchy downloads or pumps information through. Rather, MINDS link and MINDS blend.

My inner plane workers USE my learning and experience as they read the inner knowing of our client. If the subject is OPEN and Receptive on a deep non-conscious level. If s’he is closed or blocked, a psychic reading cannot happen. If a psychic consultant has little learning or life experience to bring to the process, her Reading will be extremely simplistic and limited.
Clients who dialogue with my Channel about their Life’s Purpose, their Meanings and Values, are of the more spiritually evolved class or category of client. It is a delight, as a dedicated Psychic Consultant, to work with and for them. By helping them, we help the world because they are the ones who shape and serve the larger human community. If that makes me an elitist, so be it. I accept.