Monday, January 31, 2011

Educated Psychic: Curse or Bless, Our Choice

Human mind, the psyche, is used in both positive and negative ways. Actually in ALL ways since as certain of the Ancients pointed out, ALL IS MIND. What we think and give power or energy to manifests in physical reality. Plato, Greek philosopher, said there exists the Eternal World of Forms or Idea which is the REAL world, and secondly, the Shadow world, the illusory reflection of Idea which is the material world we humans experience here on Planet Dirt. Plato concluded that everything begins as IDEA. So if everything begins in mind, all things are possible, potentially, through the power of both individual and collective mind and thought.

Next question is one of Ethics or Right Use of MIND. If we “live, move and have our being in Him”, if we are an aspect of that Greater Being called God, we may operate from the High Self, our GOD-MIND. But if we operate from the Low Self, our ego level, personality and emotions motivate. In the former case, we use God-Mind to BLESS, but in the latter, sometimes to CURSE. The Existential Choice is ours, “given” the gift of FREE WILL. Within our inherent human limits. In any case we are “condemned to choose”. We cannot NOT CHOOSE. Why? Because a choice to not chose is also a choice, the choice to NOT CHOOSE.

1992-3, I taught ESL up in Baguio at Brent International School, Philippines. On one occasion in great anger, I cursed the Headmaster. (Baguio was the home of famous psychic surgeon, Tony Agpao, deceased, and currently, Jun Labo, Agpao’s student.) I chose to break a school rule and the Headmaster suspended me for two weeks. My first impulse, in great reactive anger, was to curse the man! I projected a powerful THOUGHT: “You will lose ten times what you are causing me to lose but at your level!” In profound anger I gave great power to the idea. That was mid-year when Headmaster was golden. Within months, ALL factions turned against him, and he in the end was fired from the job he valued!                                          

Was it Power of Mind that “cursed” the man and his fate, and caused him great loss? As a practitioner in the psychic-metaphysical-spiritual realm for twenty years, I enjoyed great mental power. Conclusion? Thoughts DO have POWER. Great power. But the Right Use of the Power of Mind is to BLESS, not CURSE, to LOVE, not HATE.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.  Professional Psychic since 1975
For more Blogs, Books and Psychic Services, SEE my website:
For personal correspondence regarding psychic services by e-mail:

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Educated Psychic: Laying-on-of-Hands Spiritual Healing

There are many types of spiritual healers. In my case, knowledge that the healing work would begin through me as an adjunct to my psychic consulting work came in two dreams. An authoritative male voice explained that I would begin work as a healer in addition to psychic consulting. I was instructed to not speak of it until the process began. The voice also advised discontinuing alcohol temporarily.

Weeks later, my psychic girlfriend, a woman torn between Baptist beliefs and the spiritual metaphysics of Unity Church, stopped in after work complaining of a migraine. She asked me to take away her pain, saying that she knew I could. That was my first experience with L-H, Laying-on-of-Hands, healing. That was “my” beginning as a healing channel, an agent, a vehicle, for the work of Spirit.

I was familiar with spiritual healing from books I’d read, stories I heard and healings I experienced from one male healer, a Christian minister. When a gastric problem kicked up and persisted, I drove 50 miles to a small Michigan town where the healer had his church. After performing laying-on-of-hands, I’d be good again for months. Never accepting a donation, he did not believe it was right to charge for spiritual work. I later came to believe that it is ok to accept a donation if a person offers it, but not to solicit money for healing.

WHO or WHAT is the source of the psychic healing energy and techniques that works through a healer? First I would experience clairvoyantly the violet ray interspersed with green, the healing color combination. It starts up behind my eyes, the brow chakra, and then I see “Them”, the entities who work through me, as Orientals. Strangely, when they “took me over” my own physical eyes screwed up asian-style as well! After that my right hand, my power hand, grew hot as the healing energy began to pump through and into the body of the afflicted person.            

The inner plane healers who worked through me, taught many healing techniques, always using my right hand as the power hand, and the left hand as ground. People began to get healed or helped for one condition or another. I did not, however, attract people with infectious diseases, and we developed specialties. Then came a significant change. I was amazed when They started taking over my hands, moving them where they needed to go for healing. It was the strangest feeling. As we progressed, psychic diagnostics followed. That made me a more complete psychic healing channel for my inner plane grouping, my Orientals, that I never named.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.  Professional Psychic since 1975
For more Blogs, Books and Psychic Services, SEE my website:  for information regarding psychic work by e-mail


Friday, January 28, 2011

The Ethics of Predicting Death


If an authentic psychic consultant sees or senses death of a loved one during a psychic reading, should s’he speak of it? The ethics of doing so has been debated in metaphysical circles. During my beginnings back in the mid-70s, when I still read Tarot Cards before working as a psychic channel, there was a simple indicator of “death by heart attack”. The Death card stood in a certain relation to the 3 of Swords (the image is of a sword piercing a heart figure, the Waite-Rider deck or pack), and depending on how it related to other cards in my basic 10 card Celtic Spread, and, depending on the feeling, the intuitive or psychic impression I received, it could foretell a death, a transition from physical existence to the Spirit Realm. Most often, however, the Death Card merely signaled potential major change in the querent’s life.

During one memorable reading at the beginning of my career as a psychic, I read for a middle-aged woman who had never married and had always lived with her elderly mother who she was, I later found, extremely attached to. I was strongly impressed to inform her that her mother would soon die. The woman cried, then explained her deep emotional attachment to her mother, and that she had never, oddly, considered the inevitability of her death.

Many months later the same woman returned, this time to thank me. She explained that if she had not been told of her mother’s death, giving her time to prepare mentally and emotionally, she might have gone insane with grief. Ordinarily I would as an ethical psychic have been reluctant to predict the death of a loved one, but in this lady’s case, I was strongly impressed to give the information. That was before I knew that I was being prepared and evaluated by an inner plane group who already was working through me as a personal and business psychic consultant.

Apart from situations such as that, there is a category of client, usually a woman but sometimes a man, that wants to be told that their mate will die, hopefully in the near future. Such a client tells me s’he has been told by other psychics that her husband, his wife would die soon. And release them from a relationship s’he suffered and wished to be free from. The latter, of course, went unspoken. The pattern is an old one but it was new to me as a beginning psychic analyst and consultant. In one notable case, the man who desperately wished to be freed from his wife was the one to come down with a dread disease and almost died during surgery. His chronically ill wife remained fairly strong and showed no signs of dying anytime soon. Such ironies can be darkly humorous.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.   Professional Psychic since 1975
For more Blogs, Books and Psychic Services, SEE my website: for information regarding psychic work by e-mail 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Educated Psychic: The Triad of Psychic Channeling

The mysterious, seemingly magical process of psychic channeling can be explained if one understands the nature, levels and aspects of human mind both incarnate and discarnate. I am not a “spiritualist” but I am a “spiritist” in the sense that I am convinced that other minds living and working on other Planes of Being work through me. After experiencing my inner plane initiation during which I received 7 FUNCTIONS OF UNIVERSAL MIND, I became a psychic worker for the discarnate grouping, Group Mind, that works through me. That is and has been my belief.

More specifically, how can I as a psychic consultant gain access to the inner knowing of a client? First premise, I tell each client this: I cannot tell you anything that you do not already know at some deep level of consciousness. If a client were in touch with her or his deepest levels of knowing, such a person would not need a psychic, a translator, a go-between, a vehicle nor Those entities who work through a psychic channel.

The triad is made up of three parties: the psychic as intermediary and translator; the person being “read” for; and a member of Group Mind that works through me. First, if I as psychic open by bringing in impressions for the client, it is, I conjecture, the inner plane worker who is feeding me the information. When there is recognition on the part of the client, the impressions are validated. Recognition validates and authenticates psychic information because at some level of consciousness the subject knows.

After that, I ask the client to initiate a dialogue with my Psychic Channel. Question or present a problem or situation that needs insight leading to resolving or understanding it. The pivotal party, my inner plane worker, reads the unconscious knowing of the client and delivers the information to me as psychic to articulate for the client. And, I am free using my own intellect to give explanation for further clarification. I am awake and aware, unlike the great Edgar Cayce who worked in a full trance state, and I enjoy what is called DUAL CONSCIOUSNESS. The process that may involve analysis, counsel and prediction continues until we have completed a full dialogue to the end of being of help and service to the client.

The triad is complete. The client speaks to me, the psychic, and the inner plane worker hears through me, then turns to read the inner knowing of the client, then gives the information to me, the psychic counselor, and I in turn articulate the answer, the information to the client. The triad, the dynamics of it, stands complete operating on both conscious and non-conscious levels.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.  Professional Psychic since 1975
For more Blogs and Psychic Services, SEE my website: for INFORMATION regarding psychic work by e-mail

Where Do Dead People Live?

Reverend DeRay, an old lady Spiritualist Medium was on speaking terms with dead people, those who had gone to the Spirit World. Except for an aging retarded daughter, she lived alone in her shabby old house. Clara and I sat side by side in the seance room while the psychic sat in her cushioned rocker. It was dark and the entranced medium began to moan. I could just barely see her outline off to my left. First a little girl voice, her Control named Robin, talked with the medium who now spoke in a rough male voice. The Gatekeeper was next, an older man’s voice that sounded protectively cranky. My own work as a psychic consultant was totally different.

Suddenly the room became crowded with spirits talking together. It was as if a rowdy group of people were having a noisy party or some sort of reunion. American Indian voices, ugh! Me Silver Star. If the psychic medium was fake, how could I be witnessing voices in several parts of the room while the psychic medium, in that deep voice, was talking with Robin and her Gatekeeper? Floating trumpets, aluminum cones with voice boxes made of ectoplasm, nudged us as disembodied souls spoke through them. Then things settled down.

Clara, not a psychic herself but a very strong believer, talked with her spirits, then it came my turn. First Grandpa, my father’s dad, a gentle Christian man who used to lovingly hold me on his lap. His country voice was the same as during life. “How’s yer maw?” he asked. Next my sister Betty accidentally killed under the wheel of our father’s car before I was born. “Don’t feel bad about what happened,” she told me. “You did a better job with them than I ever could have.” What did she mean by her cryptic message. Then came my deceased father, a man of natural untrained psychic ability. We hadn’t spoken in years. “Well speak to the man!” the irritated gatekeeper demanded.

No way the seance had been faked. Even Clara did not know my history. I wanted to ask the spirits, “Where are you? Where do you live?” I’ve always wondered, where and how do the dead live? Is there a length of time before reincarnating back on Earth? Do they experience time? Do they age? Betty was no longer a three year old. If we incarnate multiple times, and if Jane Roberts’ Seth is right and each of us has a Core Self, how many “who-sprouts” are there? Seth said they occur simultaneously in the Eternal Now. As a practicing psychic over the years, I wonder yet, where do the dead live?

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.    Professional Psychic since 1975 
For more Blogs and Psychic Services, SEE my website:  for information regarding psychic work by e-mail

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Educated Psychic: Automatic Writing and How the Psychic Channel Works

To most people, how an authentic psychic channel gains true information about a client is a mystery. Some regard the process as some kind of magic. But if one understands the nature of human mind and its potential connection with other minds, including the minds of those on other planes of being or in the Spirit World,  the seeming mystery begins to come clear.

My psychic process, as a forerunner to professional psychic consulting work, began after I attracted what I call "an inner plane initiation". During daily meditations, an inner voice often prompted me to "take up your pen and write". Automatic writing began. After lengthy practice and testing, and encouragement from a Spiritual Christian lady named Dorothy, it was proved that I as a psychic channel could and did receive true information for diverse purposes. Only she knew if the answers I got were correct.

Months passed, and then one evening while alone in deep meditation, I was once again urged to write. As I did so, I received 7 FUNCTIONS OF UNIVERSAL MIND,  philosophy way beyond anything I had ever studied or read about. At the end was a signature, the code name of the inner plane grouping that was to work through me during my entire career that began in 1975 after 15 years of work as a college professor of Modern Literature. That constituted what I call my "inner plane initiation" and signaled the beginning of my work as a psychic consultant in a new way.

Next day a client came for a Tarot Card Reading, but, as I lay the cards, they did not come alive with meaning as usual. Instead an inner prompting told me to "take up your pen and write". That was my first psychic reading done using automatic writing. The accuracy was amazing. From then on, I never used my Tarot Cards professionally again. At that time, early in my career as a psychic channel, I also did very interesting past-life regressiion work as an adjunct.

As months passed, my ability as a psychic channel grew, and the technique became refined. From scribbling, pen on paper, and receiving information word for word in mind, repeating it the instant it was given, much like an accomplished translator who worked with me later in Mexico City, I was able to put the pen down and simply receive with eyes either open or closed. I will explain in another writing how I think the process works both in person and when working at a distance. Physical space or distance does not matter for either healing work or psychic reading since ALL IS MENTAL.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.  Professional Psychic since 1975   More blogs and Psychic Services
See my website: for information regarding psychic work by e mail