Monday, January 31, 2011

Educated Psychic: Curse or Bless, Our Choice

Human mind, the psyche, is used in both positive and negative ways. Actually in ALL ways since as certain of the Ancients pointed out, ALL IS MIND. What we think and give power or energy to manifests in physical reality. Plato, Greek philosopher, said there exists the Eternal World of Forms or Idea which is the REAL world, and secondly, the Shadow world, the illusory reflection of Idea which is the material world we humans experience here on Planet Dirt. Plato concluded that everything begins as IDEA. So if everything begins in mind, all things are possible, potentially, through the power of both individual and collective mind and thought.

Next question is one of Ethics or Right Use of MIND. If we “live, move and have our being in Him”, if we are an aspect of that Greater Being called God, we may operate from the High Self, our GOD-MIND. But if we operate from the Low Self, our ego level, personality and emotions motivate. In the former case, we use God-Mind to BLESS, but in the latter, sometimes to CURSE. The Existential Choice is ours, “given” the gift of FREE WILL. Within our inherent human limits. In any case we are “condemned to choose”. We cannot NOT CHOOSE. Why? Because a choice to not chose is also a choice, the choice to NOT CHOOSE.

1992-3, I taught ESL up in Baguio at Brent International School, Philippines. On one occasion in great anger, I cursed the Headmaster. (Baguio was the home of famous psychic surgeon, Tony Agpao, deceased, and currently, Jun Labo, Agpao’s student.) I chose to break a school rule and the Headmaster suspended me for two weeks. My first impulse, in great reactive anger, was to curse the man! I projected a powerful THOUGHT: “You will lose ten times what you are causing me to lose but at your level!” In profound anger I gave great power to the idea. That was mid-year when Headmaster was golden. Within months, ALL factions turned against him, and he in the end was fired from the job he valued!                                          

Was it Power of Mind that “cursed” the man and his fate, and caused him great loss? As a practitioner in the psychic-metaphysical-spiritual realm for twenty years, I enjoyed great mental power. Conclusion? Thoughts DO have POWER. Great power. But the Right Use of the Power of Mind is to BLESS, not CURSE, to LOVE, not HATE.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.  Professional Psychic since 1975
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