Thursday, January 27, 2011

Educated Psychic: The Triad of Psychic Channeling

The mysterious, seemingly magical process of psychic channeling can be explained if one understands the nature, levels and aspects of human mind both incarnate and discarnate. I am not a “spiritualist” but I am a “spiritist” in the sense that I am convinced that other minds living and working on other Planes of Being work through me. After experiencing my inner plane initiation during which I received 7 FUNCTIONS OF UNIVERSAL MIND, I became a psychic worker for the discarnate grouping, Group Mind, that works through me. That is and has been my belief.

More specifically, how can I as a psychic consultant gain access to the inner knowing of a client? First premise, I tell each client this: I cannot tell you anything that you do not already know at some deep level of consciousness. If a client were in touch with her or his deepest levels of knowing, such a person would not need a psychic, a translator, a go-between, a vehicle nor Those entities who work through a psychic channel.

The triad is made up of three parties: the psychic as intermediary and translator; the person being “read” for; and a member of Group Mind that works through me. First, if I as psychic open by bringing in impressions for the client, it is, I conjecture, the inner plane worker who is feeding me the information. When there is recognition on the part of the client, the impressions are validated. Recognition validates and authenticates psychic information because at some level of consciousness the subject knows.

After that, I ask the client to initiate a dialogue with my Psychic Channel. Question or present a problem or situation that needs insight leading to resolving or understanding it. The pivotal party, my inner plane worker, reads the unconscious knowing of the client and delivers the information to me as psychic to articulate for the client. And, I am free using my own intellect to give explanation for further clarification. I am awake and aware, unlike the great Edgar Cayce who worked in a full trance state, and I enjoy what is called DUAL CONSCIOUSNESS. The process that may involve analysis, counsel and prediction continues until we have completed a full dialogue to the end of being of help and service to the client.

The triad is complete. The client speaks to me, the psychic, and the inner plane worker hears through me, then turns to read the inner knowing of the client, then gives the information to me, the psychic counselor, and I in turn articulate the answer, the information to the client. The triad, the dynamics of it, stands complete operating on both conscious and non-conscious levels.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.  Professional Psychic since 1975
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