Thursday, January 27, 2011

Where Do Dead People Live?

Reverend DeRay, an old lady Spiritualist Medium was on speaking terms with dead people, those who had gone to the Spirit World. Except for an aging retarded daughter, she lived alone in her shabby old house. Clara and I sat side by side in the seance room while the psychic sat in her cushioned rocker. It was dark and the entranced medium began to moan. I could just barely see her outline off to my left. First a little girl voice, her Control named Robin, talked with the medium who now spoke in a rough male voice. The Gatekeeper was next, an older man’s voice that sounded protectively cranky. My own work as a psychic consultant was totally different.

Suddenly the room became crowded with spirits talking together. It was as if a rowdy group of people were having a noisy party or some sort of reunion. American Indian voices, ugh! Me Silver Star. If the psychic medium was fake, how could I be witnessing voices in several parts of the room while the psychic medium, in that deep voice, was talking with Robin and her Gatekeeper? Floating trumpets, aluminum cones with voice boxes made of ectoplasm, nudged us as disembodied souls spoke through them. Then things settled down.

Clara, not a psychic herself but a very strong believer, talked with her spirits, then it came my turn. First Grandpa, my father’s dad, a gentle Christian man who used to lovingly hold me on his lap. His country voice was the same as during life. “How’s yer maw?” he asked. Next my sister Betty accidentally killed under the wheel of our father’s car before I was born. “Don’t feel bad about what happened,” she told me. “You did a better job with them than I ever could have.” What did she mean by her cryptic message. Then came my deceased father, a man of natural untrained psychic ability. We hadn’t spoken in years. “Well speak to the man!” the irritated gatekeeper demanded.

No way the seance had been faked. Even Clara did not know my history. I wanted to ask the spirits, “Where are you? Where do you live?” I’ve always wondered, where and how do the dead live? Is there a length of time before reincarnating back on Earth? Do they experience time? Do they age? Betty was no longer a three year old. If we incarnate multiple times, and if Jane Roberts’ Seth is right and each of us has a Core Self, how many “who-sprouts” are there? Seth said they occur simultaneously in the Eternal Now. As a practicing psychic over the years, I wonder yet, where do the dead live?

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.    Professional Psychic since 1975 
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