Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Educated Psychic: Emerging from the Swamp, A Big Dream

Some of us experience Big Dreams, psychic dramas that we never forget. Such rare dreams give us spiritual Guidance and inform us of our life-mission and purpose. Occurring in symbolic form, patience is required to glimpse possible meanings. Moving through my development as a psychic consultant, such a potently perplexing dream came, and I pondered on its meaning for years.

The scene opened on a concrete walkway. It was a sunny summer day. I felt happy as I walked. I came to a sharp “right” turn and knew I should wait there for further directions. As in everyday life, I grew impatient and did not wait, thinking to find my own way. Soon the good concrete walk gave way to a dirt path. I should have waited, and thought to turn back, but, I persisted, headstrong and headlong until the dirt path diminished and I fell down a mudslide into a soggy weedy field. I remained driven to continue, to make my way to an unknown destination, without guidance and direction that I should have waited for. Perhaps meaning I chose to incarnate before I was “ready”?

I continued trudging across the weedy field toward a wood off in the distance. The ground, however, became increasingly sticky and muddy, making it hard to walk. I entered not a wood but a dark jungle-like swamp! It was silent, foreboding and lonely. Moving through thigh-deep water, jungle vines and rot, I sensed no destination. Hopelessly lost, I thought I might die there alone. I slogged through the swamp seemingly endlessly. But finally, I saw light off in the distance. Sweet relief. I chill as I write this...

When at last I emerged, my purgatorial journey over, it seemed spring-like, and, strangely, I had become young! Not the mature man I had been when I entered that dismal, abysmal swamp. Ahead lay a stream of clear running water, and a little arched bridge. Crossing over, I saw an old-fashioned schoolhouse on a hill off in the distance. Was that a symbol for “schoolhouse earth” where we come to learn our lessons?                          

I saw many other boys my age. In the midst of them stood the Master. Wearing a black clerical gown, he passed out fishing rods. Being a newcomer, I felt sad because I would not get one. Surprisingly, the Master smiled down and handed me one also. I wondered upon waking, were we being prepared to become “fishers of men”? A dream parable? A symbolic dramatization of my life’s pattern as a psychic helper and healer?

A rare Big Dream, the feelings ineffable. Entwined, I believe, with my emergent work as a counseling psychic, and as a teacher and writer. Carl Jung had similar dreams and wrote about them in his last book, MEMORIES, DREAMS, REFLECTIONS. He also had been blessed.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is

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