Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Psychic Mind: What Does Psychic Mean?

What Does Psychic Mean? by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.

The psychic tradition no doubt goes back in antiquity before written language came into existence. The Oracle at Delphi and Tiresius, the blind prophet, of Ovid’s Greece and the ODDYSEY are recent expressions of soothsaying. When authentic, and I say that because psychic cons have existed just short of forever, psychic means that which is of EXTRA-RATIONAL function or process. That which transcends or goes beyond reason and its pal, logic. It is the ultimate form of subjectivity that contains truth value.

Normally, as thought by the great mass of humanity, or those capable of thought at all, regard the five senses as basic, and the sixth sense as rare or non-existent. Our sense of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell (especially if one ate saurkraut) are admissible to mass mind. ESP, extra-sensory-perception, is iffy. Psychics are called fortune tellers by mass mind. Esotericists, such as I am, by contrast appreciate the extra-rational functions of human mind. The psychic forms are varied but essentially they are super-forms of the basic five. Inner or clear seeing, transcendent hearing, and so on.

Psychic in general means fore-knowing. One attuned to deeper levels of mind in an altered state of consciousness may discern probable future events. How can one know that which hasn’t happened yet? I conjecture that since ALL IS MIND, any action occurs first as an IDEA, and the stronger the IDEA (or IDEAL FORM as suggested by Plato), the more likely it is to manifest. An attuned psychic may discern an idea that will or is likely to manifest in physical or experiential reality. Such a person, WHEN AUTHENTIC, is called a psychic. But psychism is about a whole lot more than that.

In modern times, and in my case, psychic function or process merges with the psychological counseling arts. Psychic processes are pragmatic. They have use-value. They are helpful in accord with human values. Psychics in our times are counselors of a different order than those who restrict themselves to reason, to that which is socially acceptable, but even in those cases, bright ideas or intuition creeps in the process. If it doesn’t, a psychological counselor is second rate. Oh, intuition, especially women’s, is a more socially acceptable term, but the word psychic is often condemned as, yes, BS.                 

When someone condemns my psychic work as nonsense, I simply tell them this: YOU DON’T HAVE TO BELIEVE SOMETHING IN ORDER FOR IT TO BE TRUE. I get a blank stare in return, because ignorant people can’t even understand what that means. Is ignorance bliss? Are ignorant people happier than us? My father used to think so, or at least he often said that. Yes, learning can be confusing because there are so many conflicting ideas. Is this or that the truth? We have to think and choose. And that is oh so much work for the lazy-hazy-minded folk.

In short, as in, in brief, psychic is, and those who exercise higher mind know that from long experience. Also, only in the western cultures, those whose god is science, are psychic functions and processes so condemned. So, in some cases, the most educated people remain terminally ignorant when it comes to the subjective, the world of the extra-rational. How stupid is that that intelligent people choose to remain ignorant? And that is my brief rant for today.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is

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