Thursday, March 3, 2011

Educated Psychic: What Am I Living For?


Viktor Frankl’s book, MAN’S SEARCH FOR MEANING, is a “must read” for serious people. He addresses the essential questions of creating, yes, CREATING AND CAUSING, Meaning, Purpose and Value in human life. Frankl, no doubt psychic, was an educated adult, a psychiatrist, before the Nazi’s incarcerated him in a death camp meant to exterminate Jews during WWII. How did he create meaning in his life under those dire death-defying circumstances? BY TAKING CARE OF OTHERS, he wrote. Because of that he survived, and went on to live a full, productive and MEANINGFUL life. As a psychic consultant, I speak of Frankl often. 

After giving an upbeat talk on MEANING at a Rotary Club luncheon in Houston, an older woman commented. Her thin lips were pursed tight and white. “You are only searching for the Truth, but I have found it. I am a Christian.” Her tone oozed Spiritual Pride. She didn’t specify which sect, but her line indicated the fundamentalist literalist kind. For her everything in life was cut and dried. Black and white, no shades of gray. For her and those like her, all cases, all doors are closed. No questions, no debate, no if, buts or maybe’s. No open-mindedness, no “tentative beliefs” that we act upon until higher truths emerge. Only some implied desire for a THEOCRACY based on HER brand of Christianity. And, implicitly she rejected the idea that I was “a psychic”.

Other people in the room appeared to appreciate the talk. The following week I received a letter expressing gratitude. The writer also thanked me for motivating his renewed search for meaning creation. Frankl wrote that we create and cause our own meaning. Some discover meaning or purpose. While others are “called” to it by Spirit.

Humans are limited knowers. We are limited in our ability to know anything for certain. Those who accept AUTHORITY as a ground for belief, whether it is the Christian Bible, the Communist Manifesto or the Koran, shut themselves off from creative, open-minded search and thought. The woman who objected to my way of thinking was right about me. I continue to search for the highest truth I am capable of comprehending. The close-minded acceptance of AUTHORITY as grounds for belief is anathema for the survival and “thrival” of the human race.

Personal and collective evolution depends of a continuing open-minded search for Meaning, Purpose and Value in human life. That does not mean that we live in constant confusion. NO, we believe tentatively but firmly and act upon our beliefs while we hold them. The life of human Mind and Spirit ought to be open and DYNAMIC, not closed and static. Life is to be ACTIVELY lived, not PASSIVELY set out. Life on the bench (ask any athlete) is boring. Life on the playing field is exhilarating and growth producing. Participation is fun and rewarding. 

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is

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