Saturday, March 19, 2011

Psychic Mind: Mary, Strange Psychic Visitor

MARY, STRANGE PSYCHIC VISITOR by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.        

As a touring psychic counselor, metaphysical speaker and media personality, I based out of Houston for almost twenty years before moving to the Philippines on a gold deal. Basing out of Houston, I lived in both low and high rent districts. I preferred the low because people were friendlier and socialized readily. High class folks keep distance, and are not as ready to help each other as “plain people”. Living upstairs in a modest apartment, I never knew who might come a’knockin’ at my door. The most interesting uninvited visitor was sweet Mary who was almost as wide as she was tall.

Had Mary, a black woman, trimmed off a hundred pounds, she would’ve been beautiful. Even at that, there was something magnetic about her. She visited often, and when I asked her, “Why my door?” she told me it just “felt right”. She said she lived in another part of town in a small house that had been her grandmother’s place. “Who is the man name’ Ralph?” she asked me one day. I was taken aback and said, “Why, that was my father’s name.” “An’ a small woman name’, uh, I think, uh, Esther?” Totally blown away I answered, “That’s my mother’s name.” “You an’ she don’ git along too good, do you...” It was a statement, not a question. “Who’ve you been talking to?” I asked her, but no one around there knew items such as that about me. “Things, names, I dunno, jus’ come in my mind and I say ‘em,” Mary told me.

Mary, who made my easy chair sag, was a natural psychic, I concluded. “What’s this, uh, nam myo ho renge kyo sound that comes in my mind. Almos’ kinda sing songy like?” I said, “Oh, you know about Japanese Buddhism, Nichirin Shoshu of America, and chanting?” “What’s that?” she asked innocently. The things she came up with on her many visits amazed me. She swore she knew no one who knew me, and even if she had, she could not have learned those things from them.

It was strangely comfortable sitting with Mary, almost like having an old friend visit. The only difference, she was a natural mind-reader, but totally undisciplined as a psychic counselor. She just picked around in my mind like an intuitive scavenger noticing at random one item or another, commenting on what caught her inner eye. No ulterior motive, never accepting food or drink when offered, nor was money ever mentioned.                         

I did have evidence that she’d fallen a little bit in love with me, and I could have been interested as well if she hadn’t been so obese. Mary was a beautiful soul, a kind of psychic innocent, and I never stopped wondering about her and her natural untrained talent.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is
Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is

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