Monday, March 7, 2011

Educated Psychic: Spirit Photography

I bought my first good camera, a Fujica ST701, at a pawnshop. During my intense psychic development period, a buddy gave me some old black and white film to use up. He also introduced me to meditation, yoga, and the severe macrobiotic diet I almost killed myself with. I lived upstairs in an old house at that time, and the large front window was blue with age. And the turn-of-the-century door featured two panes of thick etched glass. To record where I lived at the time, I shot most of a roll. What showed up after having the film developed was a shocker!

In both the front picture window, and in the two panels of front door glass, several cloaked and hooded entities stood like ancient masters, scribes or teacher-monks. Inadvertently, I had performed psychic photography. I was amazed. I took them down to the astrology shop where like-minded people hung out. Most had never seen SPIRIT PHOTOGRAPHY, but one older woman took from her purse a thick pack of photos showing unmistakable “spirit faces” and “extras”. The head of a bearded man, for example, seemed to float mid-photo. What she called “extras” reminded of tiny smiley faces without expression. 

A couple of years later I moved down to Nashville naively intending to become THE psychic to country-western music stars. When the subject of spirit photography came up, one of my sponsors introduced me to a friend of hers, an old man who’d lived alone with his dog for many years in a “shotgun house” like the one Elvis grew up in. The man cried when he told us about his beloved dog, and showed us his grave out the back screen door.

“I want to show you something,” he said. In a photo, there on top of the fresh grave, a mound of black dirt covering, lay the clear outline of a medium-size dog. A ghost dog. The old man thought he was only shooting the grave of his beloved dog-friend after the death. But there his dog lay atop its own grave as clear as could be. Even though a Baptist Sunday School teacher, the man was a big believer in things psychic.

Not everyone with a camera can catch Spirit forms on film. One reason I and others believe is that the photographer must possess certain psychic or mediumistic talents. And perhaps must be in a certain meditative or altered state of consciousness when clicking the camera. Spirit photography suggests that we are never alone, and those who die don’t go anywhere but only change dimension and rate of vibration. Alive and well in their astral body, they may show themselves forth in photographs depending on conditions. Such psychic phenomena stretches the imagination, but I have known and seen spirit photography first hand.

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is

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