Saturday, March 26, 2011

Psychic Mind: Objectivity and Subjectivity, A Psychic Epiphany!

Objectivity and Subjectivity: A Psychic Epiphany!  by Richard Lee Van DerVoort, M.A.

As a psychic philosopher, in other words, grandiose or otherwise, a person who questions, yes, a person who longingly quests after Truth, truth and more truth, so help us Dog, I mean, God. Dyslexia crops up from time to emit, I mean time to time. And, as a psychic psychologist, psycho-log-ist, one, a psycho, who gives us the gist of things easy as fallin’ off a log, I wonder how our sdnim, I mean, our minds work, how they interact with all the things that are and is and maybe even could, should or oughtta be. So with that said, and...

speaking hyperbolically:

Last evening I was sitting upon the bathroom throne reading a book. I was reviewing a philosopher’s discussion of Objectivity versus Subjectivity. I was thinking his view a bit simplistic, if not obtuse, when suddenly another book fell to the floor from the stand in front of me. Ka-thunk! And then it occurred to me in a fleetful flash, fleetistically, so to speak: the book falling to the floor was an objective event. It was, yes, material and OUT there. My perceiving and understanding the event, no doubt under Spiritual Guidance, was subjective. The image in my mind was IN there. That caused me to conclude that objectivity, all that is OTHER, and subjectivity, mememememe and more me, are INTERDEPENDENT, not MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE categories. And as Kant said, categorically imperative. Or was it Hegel... Kant, Hegel, Sartre, the atheist who lived in an apartment that kept filled with a blue haze of cigarette smoke all his daze, i.e. days. What’s in a name? It is the idea, the thought, the content, that counts, that makes the difference. Or doesn’t.

Like the Buddha meditating under the Bo Tree centuries past, like Thomas Edison or Einstein having an Ah ha! moment, like the comic strip light bulb flashing on above a character’s head, like in a Zen moment of insight I became immediately ENLIGHTENED in regard to the question of Objectivity versus Subjectivity. My life, yes, was transformed, and maybe even transcendentalized a tad. The moment was so beautiful, I had to wipe... a tear from my eye. Maybe both eyes. Maybe even my throbbing Third Eye, the pineal gland said to be the Brow Chakra, seated or inset Cyclopedic! Which is to say, like a one-eyed Cyclops, or Jack. Let this stand as a profound Zen Koan that no one will or can understand, or as a Taoist Story with a moral. Let this expression live and outlive all readers reading about this most transcendent moment in time!                                
Ah the life of a sophisticated intuitive intellectual is sooooo rewarding! Truth and truths abound and surround me just waiting to be uncovered and discovered! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL  That makes 7, the magic number of LOLs!
Notice that LOL spelled backwards is LOL, which makes life easier for dyslexics.

Blessed be those who know how to laugh!     

Signed: Richard, geezer and laughing philosopher

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is

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