Friday, March 25, 2011

Psychic Mind: The Psychic Art of Automatic Writing

The Psychic Art of Automatic Writing by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.

I have no memory of how I got a copy of James Joyces’ FINNIGANS WAKE, an experimental literary novel, back when I was maybe only 14. I found it impossible to understand, but I did read the Introduction that conjectured that first of all, the author employed the “stream of consciousness” technique, but most interesting was the psychic interpretation, that Joyce had “caught” the book via AUTOMATIC WRITING. That idea really got my attention! So much so that I decided to experiment with automatic writing myself.

I was home alone a lot out on the edge of Grandpa’s farm since both my parents worked, and it must not have been a school day. I set my ballpoint pen to paper, or was it a pencil. I cannot remember. And waited like I’d read about doing. Sure enough. I felt the psychic energy come into my arm and hand, and the pen began to write, ALL BY ITSELF! All I had to do was hold it up and watch. I suppose then as now there was an impression of voice in my head, psychic impressionistic clairaudience objectified in writing, but during that first experiment, nothing but a string of raw filth came spewing out. Every swear word, every dirty word or expression I ever heard or knew, and maybe some I didn’t, spewed forth and out! I was horrified and profoundly afraid. So I pulled back and stopped, vowing I’d never open to that again!

Just as I suspected. I was a totally evil boy, not a budding or natural psychic. I was a Christian, a Methodist, even though I’d begun to question what I heard in church. I even tried to read the entire Bible all the way through but never succeeded. And being the age I was, my adolescent frustrated sex urge was strong. I was a committed masturbator but only because I could not yet get girls. So, I knew I was probably on my way to Hell... in a hand-basket! Upon that psychic experience with automatic writing, I “closed the channel” and never tried the process again until twenty or so years had passed! But when the call to write came again, it was a whole different, and far better, story!

It was 1975, not 1951, and I meditated twice a day. By then I was already reading Tarot for clients. $5 a psychic card reading. I was no longer a college professor after 14 wonderful successful years of teaching, and I was in limbo about what to do with the rest of my life. Having been very successful as a teacher, I don’t know to this day why I didn’t simply wait out the year after Nixon’s budget cuts to Higher Education and make my return in glory. It as if I was psychically, spiritually overshadowed somehow, perhaps by my own High Self, and led to what turned out to be a greater, more satisfying, more growth-producing way of life.

One mid-afternoon, I sat on my sofa in my cheap upstairs apartment in Lansing, Michigan deep in meditation. Suddenly, a psychic voice came into my head and said, “Take up your pen and write.” During meditation I always kept pen and paper at my side in case a bright idea came in. Or a psychic experience I wanted to record. But that day, the day of a special psychic opening, was different. I obeyed, and after all those years, the pen scribbled quickly and smoothly, then doubled back in a swirl at the end of each line, no break, no stop. After my meditation I ran off to see my older lady friend and somewhat mentor, the psychic spiritualist Dorothy. She was delighted with my news.

Dorothy pronounced me then and there a natural psychic channel for Spirit, for the forces of God and Good. She gave me assignments, information I was to ask and receive for her. I passed every test. We were both delighted. Each time she forced money onto me, and told me that I was destined to do The Work. Spiritual work. And because it was to be my way of life, my career, I had to accept pay for services. She told me, and I never forgot, “A servant is worthy of his hire. You must never forget that.” And so it happened just as she predicted.                            

Automatic writing evolved and became a psychic channel for an inner plane grouping who has worked through me all these many years. My psychic process began when I was a guilt-ridden boy, and only resumed in a new and pure way after much life experience and learning. I had been chosen by Those of the Light in Spirit as a psychic vehicle, channel or mouthpiece here on material earth in service to real people suffering real problems. Once the psychic processes started working through me in a controlled way, I committed to The Work and never looked back. I became one of many vehicles, and like Jesus, I often quote, “Of myself I can do nothing. The Father doeth the Work through me”. God and I are one... Aum, Aum, Aum... 

Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail my address is

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