Working as a psychic consultant, I am always on the lookout for good alternative ways of doing things. Nelson Decker, a former chiropractor turned energy healer, taught me how to use Muscle Testing, a technique from Applied Kinesiology. It is, based on experience, one of many effective alternate ways to diagnose clients who suffer imbalances, especially allergies. But first I want to acquaint the reader with the excellent work and background of Nelson Decker, deceased for many years now.
Nelson toured extensively and became very popular on the circuit because not only was he a wealth of information, he was entertaining. He told stories about calling people back from the dead, people who had just died. And constructing balls of energy and using them to start a car engine even though it was not hooked up to the battery. He told stories of living with tribes of American Indians and learned to communicate with animals, and used a native technique of moving energy, the Life Force, up the spine to effect healing. He told of living in the Philippines and being selected by the father of psychic surgery, Tony Agpaoa, to travel the jungles on healing missions with his group. He also was a living example of self-healing and discussed his methods. It was Nelson who recognized my psychic talent and arranged a first psychic tour to Oklahoma City. He also predicted my future success in writing books.
It was Nelson who introduced me to Muscle Testing to discover allergies. The technique is simple. First the client is asked to lie down on a bed or table. Then s’he is instructed to raise his dominant hand and arm in vertical position. With eyes closed, a substance is placed, positive, negative or undetermined, on the solar plexus chakra. Say I put a cigarette on someone’s stomach. I’d tell her to make the arm strong and resist as I tried to force the arm back down behind her head. Substances toxic to an individual’s body causes the arm to grow weak, and it cannot resist. If, on the other hand, I were to place a multi-vitamin on the stomach, and ask the client to resist, the arm cannot be forced down. The actions sort out and prove which substances are toxic to that particular body, and which are beneficial or neutral. As a psychic, however, I employ many other therapeutic techniques in conjunction with muscle testing.
In addition to my work as a psychic consultant, often emphasizing psychic psycho-analysis as well as other problem-solving techniques and strategies, I did forms of energy healing and psychic diagnostics as well. Muscle testing for toxic substances a given body is allergic to is just one method of discovering that which is problematic. As a spiritual and psychic eclectic, I pragmatically take and use whatever works from any school of thought.
Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is
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