Is Reincarnation Our Only Option?
by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.
Esotericists, metaphysical folks, psychics and others, learn and teach that reincarnation is required and that it is the only way the essential spirit that we are can evolve itself. But I have been wondering lately if that is true. We can only conjecture about such matters, but doing so lengthens our list of possibilities and potentials, if only intellectually.
Why is it that my mind questions such an established belief at all? It is not that I have become jaded or disillusioned with life as I’ve known and understand it. As a long-time student and practitioner of esoteric metaphysics and many things psychic, I, like others, assume the reality of reincarnation. Now that I have become relatively old and my time of active experience in the world is all but over, I naturally question whether after going back Home to the World of Spirit I will be required at some point to return to planet earth in human form. In other words, to continue the present pattern of reincarnation.
It is not that I have not and do not enjoy most or many aspects of human life in a physical body, but I do question whether there are evolutionary paths other than the one I am now finishing as an incarnate mind-spirit on the earth plane. I do believe, however tentatively, that there are other planes of being, some higher, and that perhaps in some other kind of physical form we may incarnate there, if we have evolved ourselves enough. And, it is possible that we have already incarnated on planes of being other than the earth. Undertaking past-life regressions and considering dream work, I have re-experienced portions of past lives, but only those lived here on earth.
I do believe that our personal evolution is the reason we incarnate, though I can’t really know for certain, and that our growth is the reason for being here on Planet Dirt at all. There may be secondary purposes as well and our lives with others may be interlocking, so we might call it a “life complex” in respect to meaning and purpose in incarnate human life. We can only conjecture psychically, of course, but such mental activity can be productive. Thoughts of potentials and possibilities broaden our thinking about such matters. In any case, what it’s all about is a dominant question that pops up in human mind and life.
Would I personally, if I had a say, prefer to reincarnate on a higher or different plane of being if given the opportunity? At this point in my life, I would say yes. During earlier cycles, given my greater attachments to both psychic and physical pleasures, I might have answered, “No way!” But, one’s perspective can change with age and experience. Years back, having counseled many disillusioned widows whose lives had been less than fulfilling as wives and mothers, many expressed a belief that they had evolved themselves spiritually to the point that they would not be required to return to the earth. I always thought to myself, you will be back because your motive is negative and born of disillusionment, sorrow and pain, not that you have learned sufficiently and grown. But, on the other hand, who am I to judge?
Since those earlier times, I’ve also wondered if there might not be an alternative to the reincarnational process. Could there be active roles to be played in the World of Spirit that also are productive and personally evolutionary? And perhaps less painful? And might we not elect or choose to not reincarnate on any physical plane at all? Perhaps what I am, what my Self is, what I have become fits me for some evolutionary work in the Spirit World. That would be my hope. Could that be? It might also be the case that we were never forced to incarnate on material earth in the first place, and that may be the true meaning of the Biblical Fall of Man.
At this point I must admit that I would like to have the choice, that I may be evolved enough so the Lords of Karma might allow me stay or return of my own volition. I am dying to know the answer to this burning question. Will I come back once again to play, love, sometimes suffer and work, or continue serious pursuits in another focus, a greater Reality where the body we wear is more subtle and less “sensible” or “sensational”?
Time, and our physical end of time and participation here in the world, will tell the story. Or so I would like to think and hope. None, however, have come back to tell us their story. And that also, enjoying a healthy skepticism, makes me wonder why or what the deal is, if any. Perhaps wondering about the why of things keeps us focused here in this Reality, sensate and alive. Why, why, why? and what? are the burning questions deep in my gut and heart.
Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is
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