Since I found this LIST OF 97 WAYS, I've been telling all my friends and semi-friends about how complete and different from other lists THE EVENSTAR LIST OF 97 IS! Three "lists" in one sentence. Not too good, but, this LIST OF 97 is! I've never seen anything like it. I'm doing the fresh raw ginger and make and take capsules of tumeric powder. I look forward to my next blood test for cholesterol. Oh, and I drink sugar cane juice. This LIST will tell you why. Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please visit my website:
Since I found this LIST OF 97 WAYS, I've been telling all my friends and semi-friends about how complete and different from other lists THE EVENSTAR LIST OF 97 IS! Three "lists" in one sentence. Not too good, but, this LIST OF 97 is! I've never seen anything like it. I'm doing the fresh raw ginger and make and take capsules of tumeric powder. I look forward to my next blood test for cholesterol. Oh, and I drink sugar cane juice. This LIST will tell you why. Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please visit my website: