Educated Psychic: Synchronicity Made Simple
by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.
ORDERED RANDOMNESS is Carl Jung’s definition of synchronicity. That’s what he calls the concept in his Introduction to the I CHING, or Chinese Book of Changes, a work that is philosophically Taoist and ethically Confucian, Confucius being a younger contributor to the ancient work. Legend has it that “The Ching” was originally inscribed on turtle shells. The Wilhelm-Baynes, Intro by Jung, translation of “the I Ching”, pronounced Yee Jing, is the best by far among many lesser versions.
For divinatory purposes, the Ancients cast yarrow stalks when asking questions of the I CHING. Moderns usually cast coins. Whether casting yarrow stalks, or the easier, quicker method of casting coins, the fall and pattern of the sticks or coins determines, synchronistically, the outcome or reading for the querent or questioner. The fall and pattern of sticks or coins depends on ordered randomness. Then comes interpretation. Confused?
How to accomplish such an act of divination or psychic reading is beyond the scope of this writing. How to consult the I CHING takes awhile to explain, and a great deal of patience and practice.
So too with the lay of the Tarot cards, and casting Rune Stones, and many other psychic devices that depend on synchronicity or “ordered randomness”. Somehow, some way, inner mind of the psychic counselor, in intuitive alliance with his client, and maybe Spirit, is able to influence the fall and order of coins or the arrangement of cards. How the process works specifically I cannot say. I only know that it does work, and that the I CHING and Tarot Cards, and other synchronistic devices, speak truths to clients, if the psychic is worth his salt as an interpreter and explicator. As suggested, learning takes patience and practice. And, it is not for everyone to do. Only those who possess psychic talent become masters of such intuitive arts.
In a more homely or familiar way I will suggest an example of how the principle of synchronicity can work in everyday life, if you are the type to notice synchronistic events. Back in the mid-80’s I was driving my well-used $200 Olds 98 on a highway in Austin, Texas. The Coca Cola song was playing on my car radio: “I want to teach the world to sing,” and so on. I was tapping my foot and slapping my steering wheel as I sang along. Coming toward me in the opposing lane was a huge red Coca Cola delivery truck with a million cases of bottled coke stacked, and as it passed, I noticed just beyond it a tall billboard advertising, you guessed it, Coca Cola. A giant picture of a bottle of icy cold coke spilled into Santa’s glass. Not Coca Cola once. Not Coca Cola twice, but Coca Cola thrice, all appearing at once, and that, dear reader, is an example of synchronicity. Ok, so some of you want to call it merely a “coincidence”. Your choice.
During that same season, I was driving over to see one of my psychic girlfriends. She and I used to do past-life regressions on each other. Unfortunately she was married to an astrologer but fortunately he wasn’t the jealous type. In any case, she was a faithful wife. On the way driving over there, in my same $200 car which was NOT a clunker, suddenly the heater-warm interior of my vehicle filled with the wonderful piney odor of hot Christmas tree. At that same moment I had a psychic impression to snap on my radio, and there was Bing Crosby singing, “I’m dreeeaming of a whiiite Christmas...” one of my very favorite songs no matter the season, if sung by Bing.
I don’t know if that psychic event demonstrates synchronicity exactly, but it is in the ballpark. Clairsentience, a psychic sense of smell, was demonstrated, and an intuitive knowing that Bing was singing my song on radio urged me to tune in. Those kinds of experiences have happened to me all my life. During that period in Texas, I was already a practicing professional psychic consultant, and for about a year before domestic wells were ordered capped, a psychic oil finder as well.
Good ol’ Webster defines synchronous as simply that which occurs simultaneously. But in matters of divination, the concept of synchronicity becomes expanded. So I will go with Carl Jung’s definition, “ordered randomness”. But then I have a reputation for complicating things.
Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A. Please see my website that includes books, blogs and psychic services at, and more blogs at www.blogger.psychicmind and www.blogster.psychicexcellence For more information about psychic readings my e-mail address is
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