Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Ever-Present Problem of Evil

Throughout history scholars, clergy and just plain people have debated and discussed the question of Good and Evil.
If God is good, some argue, why does evil exist? As I see the situation, we human beings here on Planet Dirt have always been in a state of conflict between Good and Evil. And do-good types, religious people, are forever attempting to eradicate evil even if they have to kill you over the issue! Working as an ethical psychic consultant, issues of morality come up constantly.

I recall one would-be client in Houston who booked a psychic reading and showed up at my apartment. A broken-down sleazy-looking ghetto-type woman, her first question was: “Am I goin’ to sell enuf drugs to get me through the month?” I asked her to repeat what she said in case I wasn’t hearing right. I decided immediately that I did not want her for a client. In response to what I told her, she split in a hurry and didn’t look back. No fee is worth an authentic psychic becoming complicit with evil.

What constitutes evil? The answer is easy, at least in general terms. Doing HARM to self or other is evil. The Ancients of India called the concept Ahimsa, the injunction to “do no harm to self or other”. The idea is all-inclusive but requires great judgment. Christians, more specifically, list the Big Ten no-no’s or thou shalt nots. All religions that purport to espouse the Good and God lay out moral and ethical prescriptions for their followers.

An authentic psychic consultant must be vigilant to not cooperate with or aid and assist that which is obviously evil. It is difficult to generalize about the matter, but in the context of a psychic reading, the Channel always sees fit to facilitate the Good and discourage Evil. Like medical doctors who take the Hippocratic oath to first DO NO HARM, psychic counselors, if they are genuine, believe and do likewise. Though not in a prescriptive way, the psychic Channel finds ways to provide insight into problems and provide modes of positive resolution. But at the same time, right choices and decisions must be let to the client. A psychic counselor, after gaining insight, may explain, advise and suggest, but in the end it is for the subject to choose, act and live her own life. 

951  Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.                    
Professional Psychic since 1975                           
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