Edgar Cayce, American Seer and Healer, is always noted as America’s #1 full-trance psychic medium. He died from overwork just before the end of WWII. He never made much money, and was always in demand. I wish he’d understood that “a servant is worthy of his hire”. Certainly good-hearted people give to select others who cannot afford our service. How many times as a psychic consultant I’ve done work for people gratis.
There is a way to look at giving to needy others whether psychic work, healing, things, food or money. First, obviously, we cannot save the world. So how do we know which others to give to? I figure that Spirit will “guide, lead and direct” me to those I am supposed to lend a helpful hand. I recognize the ones Spirit places in my path. Similarly, there are times when I am ungrateful or feeling sorry for myself. When that happens occasionally, Spirit shows me a miserably crippled beggar or some other human suffering. I then realize how blessed I am and say, Thank you, God, for blessings received, for I am blessed indeed”.
Cayce, a traditional Christian, apparently worried about accepting money for his psychic, spiritual work. So he overworked and died early. As much as fake or self-deluded psychics like to brag that psychic consulting does not deplete their energy, the fact is, when a psychic is genuine, working in altered states of consciousness DOES deplete one’ energy. The same as sex does. I found from experience that if had sex shortly before a doing a psychic consultation, my energy was not nearly as high. It takes time for psychic energy, the Life Force, to rebuild. After a long day of psychic counseling, my energy body is depleted. It is then time for food, a couple of beers and sleep to re-energize.
Edgar Cayce, like other true full-trance mediums, Jane Roberts and her speaker, Seth, for example, have entities from the Spirit world who speak through them using the physical equipment of the medium while the medium appears to “sleep”. Such a medium requires a transcriber because s’he does NOT remember anything said through his or her vehicle. The client may be present and dialogue with the psychic’s speaker, or a typed transcript may be mailed to the subject. Edgar Cayce did his psychic work for both types. In my case, fortunately, I enjoy DUAL CONSCIOUSNESS and participate in the psychic process.
Even today, all these years later, anyone may read the complete transcripts of Edgar Cayce’s readings and find help. The A.R.E., his Foundation, remains open and active at Virginia Beach where at one time Edgar Cayce instituted a hospital for Alternative Care. His Son, Hugh Lynn, kept his father’s name and work alive until his own death.
But the valued information Edgar Cayce brought through remains available and useful. Information Regarding Psychic Readings by Richard Lee Van Der Voort, M.A.
Professional Psychic since 1975 For more Blogs, Books ad Psychic Services,
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